【must not allow】 ISFJ 【Shameless】at MASS
【must not allow】 ISFJ 【Shameless】 - 暇つぶし2ch50:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 01:22:26.59 C2Eb0iJd0
Studying given by authority as a task is boring
Then the child will hate studying
I don't think that kind of study should be done.
You should try to make studying fun.

51:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 01:32:47.94 C2Eb0iJd0
MBTI 16 types have different hobbies
It is a good idea to master the hobbies that exist for each
But when it comes to ISFJs, their tastes are so vile that they have to get rid of them.
I get angry at people who are childish and waste time and effort. ISFJ has that kind of personality.

ISFJs are premature babies
nasty brat
Kind of like thugs, it's a small mafia image.
Hurry up and kill that bastard
ISFJ's a thug
ISFJs are psychopaths who take pleasure in harming others.
no kidding
He's an ISFJ because his mental age is a fucking kid and he's pissed off
this is a golden rule
look around now
Everyone is an idiot with an ISFJ personality.
ISFJs are the most rifting and dividing personalities in relationships.

52:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 01:43:17.80 C2Eb0iJd0
J in MBTI is
It says Judge
I interpreted it as extreme

Extremely introverted but using the means of extraverted feeling
Desperate to be liked, they're stupid, which leads to bad consequences
Also, they are extremely emotional, can only think within a narrow framework, and think very little.
Small and narrow because of the introverted sensory type He is stingy
make the framework smaller
It's like putting people in a little cage.
This is called management
Modern society is the ultimate in controlled society, and I can only assume that ISFJs are involved in authority.
That jealous and sly personality
ISFJs have a lowly personality that robs people of their freedom and comfort, puts them in jail and laughs at them.
They're liars and they don't mind cheating
Hurry up and die
It's because of you ISFJs that we've become such a cramped, boring, irrational and twisted society!

53:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 01:54:18.43 C2Eb0iJd0
A good blueprint that I thought of
I'm actually a god who descended to this world
Because I can see the future
I'm telling you to get rid of the ISFJ
ISFJs do a lot of harm and little gain
ISFJs are troublemakers
ISFJs are plague gods
ISFJ is a troupe
ISFJs are devils, they only do bad things
please genocide immediately
Any means will do, so please kill him as soon as possible.

54:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 01:58:23.59 C2Eb0iJd0
credit score

ENTJ 10000 point
INTJ 10000 point
ENFJ 9000 point
INFJ 9000 point
ISTP 8000 point
ENFP 7000 point
ENTP 7000 point
ISFP 6000 point
ESTP 5000 point
ESFP 5000 point
ESTJ 4000 point
INTP 4000 point
ESFJ 3000 point
ISTJ 3000 point
INFP 1000 point
ISFJ 666 point

55:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 02:02:37.82 C2Eb0iJd0
People with narrow vision are selfish, selfish and insidious
stingy and miser
If your vision is broad, your knowledge is broad, your heart is broad, and you have room
have a strong mental
He also has insight and foresight.
It's a great evolutionary system.
Those with Introverted Intuition should be on top
An idiot who uses introverted sense should be in a lower position

56:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 02:08:40.31 C2Eb0iJd0
Looking at the world from a bird's-eye view, INTJs seemed to have a higher status than ENTJs in the long run.
INTJs should reign supreme
ENTJs do assistants
Place ENFJs, INFJs in Left and Right Hands
Everyone in the world will be happy
However, this ENTJ is suitable as a commander, so shall I conquer the world?

57:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 02:10:16.28 C2Eb0iJd0

58:ENTJ 8w9
22/12/31 02:17:54.13 C2Eb0iJd0
it's bad because you're weak
In this world, the fittest eats the fittest.If you are strong, you live.If you are weak, you die.
If you were born in such an era, you should try to aim for supremacy over the world.
"If you believe, you will betrayed." "If you let your guard down, you will be killed." "Kill before you are killed."
Hahahaha, die, die. If everyone dies, there will be no winners!! If everyone dies, Shishio-sama will be invincible!! Only Shishio-sama is invincible!

59:ENTJ 8w9
23/01/01 04:04:25.96 riU8fpCAp
don't know
But v-tuber is just an annoying guy He's just a selfish 2w1
Don't get carried away, ISFJ!
You can easily imagine his face from his voice. retarded w
Disrespectful, shameless, lying, full of contradictions, he can't be trusted at all.
She's a tall dwarf and she's got a little kid voice All the trash I've researched is 2w1 She's trash She's such a tiny fuck Get out of this 8w9's mind!

60:ENTJ 8w9
23/01/01 04:07:01.35 riU8fpCAp
Fuck all ISFJs! Fuck you! Die! Garbage! No one loves ISFJs! stupid! Realize! 💢 Don't take care of yourself!
Fuckin' fuckin' this dregs don't make him feel good ! Fuck you! I'll kill you, you trash!

61:ENTJ 8w9
23/01/01 04:09:39.55 riU8fpCAp
くそv-tuber共マジ死んでほしいわ fuck ! いちびってんじゃねーぞ沼!

62:ENTJ 8w9
23/01/01 04:10:45.23 riU8fpCAp
なぜ表のメディアの流行語大賞は つまらないものばかり 出すのか
野球とかくそどうでもいいんだが うぜえから消えろやこの野郎

63:ENTJ 8w9
23/01/01 04:11:19.60 riU8fpCAp
fuck you baseball kill you!

64:ENTJ 8w9
23/01/01 04:12:39.61 riU8fpCAp
世の中には必要のない 無価値な いや無価値どころか害悪にしかなんねーISFJとかいう虫けらがいっぱいいるから 削減せなばあかんわ

65:ENTJ 8w9
23/02/03 12:06:02.57 rerz83qJn
too much population
Overfishing is happening and numbers are declining, so we need to cut people.
This can't be helped. We should concentrate on increasing the food population.
  We also have cultured meat technology.
Also, farming is important.
Although he may not be able to eat natural foods for a while
But I don't stick to natural ingredients.If it tastes like beef or pork, that's fine.
Moreover, most of the people who have children are idiots

INXX type in MBTI doesn't want to have children, so there aren't many prodigies.
That's why I want a child who is intuitively clever to have many children and leave behind excellent genes.

66:ENTJ 8w9
23/02/03 12:08:37.20 rerz83qJn
Insightful geniuses in the Enneagram are 8w9, 9w8,
Also around 4w5, 5w4, 5w6, 8w7
Listen to them! stupid sheep

23/02/16 20:19:47.15 DBx09o5JF
population reduction should be done
60% elimination of ESTJs
60% elimination of ESFJs
Eliminate 50% of ESTPs
ESFP 50% elimination
ENTJ 0% selection
ENFJ 00% elimination
ENTP 0% selection
ENFP 00% elimination
90% elimination of ISTJs
100% elimination of ISFJs
20% elimination of ISTPs
Weed out 10% of ISFPs
INTJ 00% elimination
INFJ 00% elimination
Weed out 30% of INTPs
INFP culling 70%

In order to maintain balance, I'm thinking about weeding out a certain amount of people.

23/02/21 04:03:54.18 QIAvy8iMP
I would decapitate real ISTJs and ISFJs
