21/11/14 13:58:58.56 XItMWShS0.net
ちなみに2021年時点で IBM わスーパーコンピュータ案件が取れなくなったのでアッサリ POWER10 から NVLink を削除したす。2030年11月の情報をご存知の様すからその後の展開を講釈して頂きたいモノす
IBM の言い訳わこちら
IBM and NVIDIA initially partnered to develop NVLINK host-to-GPU attach technology to overcome performance bottlenecks caused by the insufficiency of PCIe Gen3 capabilities.
While this provided substantial differentiation relative to PCIe Gen3 and Gen4, the industry accelerated the pace of PCIe development. With the advent of PCIe Gen5, both IBM and NVIDIA determined that PCIe is once again sufficient for eliminating performance bottlenecks in host-to-GPU attach.
Therefore a proprietary solution such as NVLINK is no longer a strong differentiator for host-to-GPU attach, and the POWER10 processor will not exploit NVLINK for host-to-GPU attach.