12/08/16 15:09:46.31 URD+88gs
750 日出づる処の名無し [sage] 2012/08/15(水) 23:56:24.77 ID:aD8UZEWy Be:
a report of the csis japan chair
The U.S.-Japan Alliance anchoring stability in asia
Richard L. Armitage
Joseph S. Nye
815 日出づる処の名無し [sage] 2012/08/16(木) 09:30:48.35 ID:x69BL1bo Be:
It is not the place of the U.S. government to render judgment on sensitive historical issues;
however, the United States must exert full diplomatic efforts to diffuse tensions and refocus the
attention of its allies on core national security interests and the future. For the alliance to realize
its full potential, it is essential for Japan to confront the historical issues that continue to
complicate relations with ROK. While we understand the complex emotional and domestic-political
dynamics of such issues, political acts like the recent ROK Supreme Court decision allowing individual
reparation cases to be heard, or efforts by the government of Japan to lobby local U.S. officials not
to erect comfort women monuments, only inflame sentiments and distract South Korean and Japanese
leaders and their respective publics from the broader strategic priorities they share and must act upon.
日本が「歴史問題と向き合う(confront the historical issues)」ことが必要だとは書いているが、