12/04/10 16:49:14.37 w4FwNK4T
Keep your Sandy Bridge! E1 Ivy Bridge are significantly worse OCers on air!
君のSandyBridgeはキープしろ! IvyのE1ステップは空冷OCでは著しく劣る!
I have two older Engineering Samples stepping 8 (E0) and they are really good "on air" OCers.
Retail E1 stepping 9 is noticeably worse.
It is worse than any Sandy Bridge. All Sandy Bridge I saw last year are better than all available E1 Retail stepping Core i7-3770K!.
Ivy Bridge E1 are total shit! Do not buy them! Only under LN2, there make sense ... never for on air OCing!
Keep your 5+GHz Sandies, no E1 Ivy is capable that clock on air.