12/05/23 05:30:36.05
自身のMy SpaceでIDJスタッフにUTADAなりすましブログ入力された
[New Album Title] 2009.2.4 9:25
I want to be the first to tell you that the name of my new album is “This Is The One” and I can’t wait for all of you to hear it.
Thank you for all the comments!
[THIS IS UTADA] 2009.2.5 14:52
Ok, so, I can now announce that the title of my new album is
"This Is The One"
I am a little upset right now because I think a staff member of IDJ posted the previous blog entry.
It's not me, but it's written AS IF it is written by me.
I'm going to call the dude in charge and make sure this doesn't happen again.