◎婚活市場は完全に女余り part19at SOUSAI
◎婚活市場は完全に女余り part19 - 暇つぶし2ch516:愛と死の名無しさん
21/09/30 11:47:27.08 GvuBtalq.net
      ////彡'゙         ``ヾ\ヽ\ヽ, ',
      l: l|/:::.' _-‐─- __   '゛ヾ,、ヘミ弋ヽ::ヘ
      ヽVシ{,ィ===、   _。--。__   :ヾ、ヘミミミ、ヘ{
       Vリ ,ィニ:::::.   .:ィ´ニ、, `   ミミ、ヘミ三:、}
        Y (´ャァY   ゝ<´rァ ミ   `'ミ、へミミ弋  あっはっはっはっは、
       |   -‐'    `‐--      :ミ≧ヾヘォリ    東南アジア婚活門前払い障害者ジジイの
       l::.     /    ヽ      ..::彡⌒)::;;;l    生存はお断りします
       |   / `--´`'゙ ヘ       ンヽソ;;;;;リ   ひぃぃぃぃ~、万年いつも女なし、女なしどころか
       |   :| fニニニニヽ ヘ      ,-‐゙/;;l::|V    同性の友達も人生で一人もナシの精神異常者、
       ',   | |LLLLL┴ミ |     r、__/;;;リ;;/
        〉  :ト |:::r‐─‐、::ノ |   .:::|;;;ンハ:;;ノソ    
        {ヘ  !ヘ弋___ノ_/ / i  .: |;;;リリトソソ      婚活怨念地縛霊の東南アジア狂人奇形ジジイ、
        ヽ、 弋__ノ. / .ノ  / l;;;V// 
          )、 -─‐-  / .ノ.:  |;;r-‐'    すべての人間社会で生存は一切お断りします、
 ____ __ィ''   >、_  __/ ;;   〉゙  \‐-          あっはっはっは~
 三、      ,.ィ(⌒),   ̄、::::::::::;;; /ゞ三\ }{   ̄`
      ,ィ´、, 丶ニソ‐-、   ヽ__r‐''´    |
   ,ィ'/       \  \  |ヽ    /
  / /   ヽ- \   \_ソ--' |_ -‐
   {       、, \  ヘ   
   |   ‐弋_ `‐-ハ‐-'゙
   \   ノ   ̄' 

21/09/30 11:47:50.83 GvuBtalq.net
      ////彡'゙         ``ヾ\ヽ\ヽ, ',
      l: l|/:::.' _-‐─- __   '゛ヾ,、ヘミ弋ヽ::ヘ
      ヽVシ{,ィ===、   _。--。__   :ヾ、ヘミミミ、ヘ{
       Vリ ,ィニ:::::.   .:ィ´ニ、, `   ミミ、ヘミ三:、}
        Y (´ャァY   ゝ<´rァ ミ   `'ミ、へミミ弋  あっはっはっはっは、
       |   -‐'    `‐--      :ミ≧ヾヘォリ    東南アジア婚活奇形異常者ジジイの
       l::.     /    ヽ      ..::彡⌒)::;;;l    生存はお断りします
       |   / `--´`'゙ ヘ       ンヽソ;;;;;リ   ひぃぃぃぃ~、万年いつも女なし、女なしどころか
       |   :| fニニニニヽ ヘ      ,-‐゙/;;l::|V    同性の友達も人生で一人もナシの精神異常者、
       ',   | |LLLLL┴ミ |     r、__/;;;リ;;/
        〉  :ト |:::r‐─‐、::ノ |   .:::|;;;ンハ:;;ノソ    
        {ヘ  !ヘ弋___ノ_/ / i  .: |;;;リリトソソ      婚活怨念地縛霊の東南アジア狂人奇形ジジイ、
        ヽ、 弋__ノ. / .ノ  / l;;;V// 
          )、 -─‐-  / .ノ.:  |;;r-‐'    すべての人間社会で生存は一切お断りします、
 ____ __ィ''   >、_  __/ ;;   〉゙  \‐-          あっはっはっは~
 三、      ,.ィ(⌒),   ̄、::::::::::;;; /ゞ三\ }{   ̄`
      ,ィ´、, 丶ニソ‐-、   ヽ__r‐''´    |
   ,ィ'/       \  \  |ヽ    /
  / /   ヽ- \   \_ソ--' |_ -‐
   {       、, \  ヘ   
   |   ‐弋_ `‐-ハ‐-'゙
   \   ノ   ̄' 

21/09/30 11:48:28.38 GvuBtalq.net
      ////彡'゙         ``ヾ\ヽ\ヽ, ',
      l: l|/:::.' _-‐─- __   '゛ヾ,、ヘミ弋ヽ::ヘ
      ヽVシ{,ィ===、   _。--。__   :ヾ、ヘミミミ、ヘ{
       Vリ ,ィニ:::::.   .:ィ´ニ、, `   ミミ、ヘミ三:、}
        Y (´ャァY   ゝ<´rァ ミ   `'ミ、へミミ弋  あっはっはっはっは、
       |   -‐'    `‐--      :ミ≧ヾヘォリ    東南アジア婚活奇形異常者ジジイの
       l::.     /    ヽ      ..::彡⌒)::;;;l    生存はお断りします
       |   / `--´`'゙ ヘ       ンヽソ;;;;;リ   ひぃぃぃぃ~、万年いつも女なし、女なしどころか
       |   :| fニニニニヽ ヘ      ,-‐゙/;;l::|V    同性の友達も人生で一人もナシの精神異常者、
       ',   | |LLLLL┴ミ |     r、__/;;;リ;;/ 
        〉  :ト |:::r‐─‐、::ノ |   .:::|;;;ンハ:;;ノソ    
        {ヘ  !ヘ弋___ノ_/ / i  .: |;;;リリトソソ      婚活怨念地縛霊の東南アジア狂人奇形ジジイ、
        ヽ、 弋__ノ. / .ノ  / l;;;V// 
          )、 -─‐-  / .ノ.:  |;;r-‐'    すべての人間社会で生存は一切お断りします、
 ____ __ィ''   >、_  __/ ;;   〉゙  \‐-          あっはっはっは~
 三、      ,.ィ(⌒),   ̄、::::::::::;;; /ゞ三\ }{   ̄`
      ,ィ´、, 丶ニソ‐-、   ヽ__r‐''´    |
   ,ィ'/       \  \  |ヽ    /
  / /   ヽ- \   \_ソ--' |_ -‐
   {       、, \  ヘ   
   |   ‐弋_ `‐-ハ‐-'゙
   \   ノ   ̄' 

21/09/30 11:48:35.78 n7F1l1fF.net

21/09/30 11:48:42.88 ROKIz/yu.net

21/09/30 11:48:51.37 GvuBtalq.net
      ////彡'゙         ``ヾ\ヽ\ヽ, ',
      l: l|/:::.' _-‐─- __   '゛ヾ,、ヘミ弋ヽ::ヘ
      ヽVシ{,ィ===、   _。--。__   :ヾ、ヘミミミ、ヘ{
       Vリ ,ィニ:::::.   .:ィ´ニ、, `   ミミ、ヘミ三:、}
        Y (´ャァY   ゝ<´rァ ミ   `'ミ、へミミ弋  あっはっはっはっは、
       |   -‐'    `‐--      :ミ≧ヾヘォリ    東南アジア同年代ババア憎しみ障害者ジジイの
       l::.     /    ヽ      ..::彡⌒)::;;;l    生存はお断りします
       |   / `--´`'゙ ヘ       ンヽソ;;;;;リ   ひぃぃぃぃ~、万年いつも女なし、女なしどころか
       |   :| fニニニニヽ ヘ      ,-‐゙/;;l::|V    同性の友達も人生で一人もナシの精神異常者、
       ',   | |LLLLL┴ミ |     r、__/;;;リ;;/
        〉  :ト |:::r‐─‐、::ノ |   .:::|;;;ンハ:;;ノソ    
        {ヘ  !ヘ弋___ノ_/ / i  .: |;;;リリトソソ      婚活怨念地縛霊の東南アジア狂人奇形ジジイ、
        ヽ、 弋__ノ. / .ノ  / l;;;V// 
          )、 -─‐-  / .ノ.:  |;;r-‐'    すべての人間社会で生存は一切お断りします、
 ____ __ィ''   >、_  __/ ;;   〉゙  \‐-          あっはっはっは~
 三、      ,.ィ(⌒),   ̄、::::::::::;;; /ゞ三\ }{   ̄`
      ,ィ´、, 丶ニソ‐-、   ヽ__r‐''´    |
   ,ィ'/       \  \  |ヽ    /
  / /   ヽ- \   \_ソ--' |_ -‐
   {       、, \  ヘ   
   |   ‐弋_ `‐-ハ‐-'゙

21/09/30 11:49:14.17 GvuBtalq.net
      ////彡'゙         ``ヾ\ヽ\ヽ, ',
      l: l|/:::.' _-‐─- __   '゛ヾ,、ヘミ弋ヽ::ヘ
      ヽVシ{,ィ===、   _。--。__   :ヾ、ヘミミミ、ヘ{
       Vリ ,ィニ:::::.   .:ィ´ニ、, `   ミミ、ヘミ三:、}
        Y (´ャァY   ゝ<´rァ ミ   `'ミ、へミミ弋  あっはっはっはっは、
       |   -‐'    `‐--      :ミ≧ヾヘォリ    東南アジア夜間にハイビーム目潰し無差別テロ異常者ジジイの
       l::.     /    ヽ      ..::彡⌒)::;;;l    生存はお断りします
       |   / `--´`'゙ ヘ       ンヽソ;;;;;リ   ひぃぃぃぃ~、万年いつも女なし、女なしどころか
       |   :| fニニニニヽ ヘ      ,-‐゙/;;l::|V    同性の友達も人生で一人もナシの精神異常者、
       ',   | |LLLLL┴ミ |     r、__/;;;リ;;/
        〉  :ト |:::r‐─‐、::ノ |   .:::|;;;ンハ:;;ノソ    
        {ヘ  !ヘ弋___ノ_/ / i  .: |;;;リリトソソ      婚活怨念地縛霊の東南アジア狂人奇形ジジイ、
        ヽ、 弋__ノ. / .ノ  / l;;;V// 
          )、 -─‐-  / .ノ.:  |;;r-‐'    すべての人間社会で生存は一切お断りします、
 ____ __ィ''   >、_  __/ ;;   〉゙  \‐-          あっはっはっは~
 三、      ,.ィ(⌒),   ̄、::::::::::;;; /ゞ三\ }{   ̄`
      ,ィ´、, 丶ニソ‐-、   ヽ__r‐''´    |
   ,ィ'/       \  \  |ヽ    /
  / /   ヽ- \   \_ソ--' |_ -‐
   {       、, \  ヘ   
   |   ‐弋_ `‐-ハ‐-'゙
   \   ノ   ̄' 

21/09/30 11:49:52.53 GvuBtalq.net
      ////彡'゙         ``ヾ\ヽ\ヽ, ',
      l: l|/:::.' _-‐─- __   '゛ヾ,、ヘミ弋ヽ::ヘ
      ヽVシ{,ィ===、   _。--。__   :ヾ、ヘミミミ、ヘ{
       Vリ ,ィニ:::::.   .:ィ´ニ、, `   ミミ、ヘミ三:、}
        Y (´ャァY   ゝ<´rァ ミ   `'ミ、へミミ弋  あっはっはっはっは、
       |   -‐'    `‐--      :ミ≧ヾヘォリ    東南アジア婚活門前払い障害者ジジイの
       l::.     /    ヽ      ..::彡⌒)::;;;l    生存はお断りします
       |   / `--´`'゙ ヘ       ンヽソ;;;;;リ   ひぃぃぃぃ~、万年いつも女なし、女なしどころか
       |   :| fニニニニヽ ヘ      ,-‐゙/;;l::|V    同性の友達も人生で一人もナシの精神異常者、
       ',   | |LLLLL┴ミ |     r、__/;;;リ;;/
        〉  :ト |:::r‐─‐、::ノ |   .:::|;;;ンハ:;;ノソ    
        {ヘ  !ヘ弋___ノ_/ / i  .: |;;;リリトソソ      婚活怨念地縛霊の東南アジア狂人奇形ジジイ、
        ヽ、 弋__ノ. / .ノ  / l;;;V// 
          )、 -─‐-  / .ノ.:  |;;r-‐'    すべての人間社会で生存は一切お断りします、
 ____ __ィ''   >、_  __/ ;;   〉゙  \‐-          あっはっはっは~
 三、      ,.ィ(⌒),   ̄、::::::::::;;; /ゞ三\ }{   ̄`
      ,ィ´、, 丶ニソ‐-、   ヽ__r‐''´    |
   ,ィ'/       \  \  |ヽ    /
  / /   ヽ- \   \_ソ--' |_ -‐ 
   {       、, \  ヘ  
   |   ‐弋_ `‐-ハ‐-'゙
   \   ノ   ̄' 

21/09/30 11:52:14.65 GvuBtalq.net

21/09/30 11:52:35.26 GvuBtalq.net

21/09/30 11:53:07.37 GvuBtalq.net


21/09/30 11:53:27.88 GvuBtalq.net

21/09/30 11:54:02.08 GvuBtalq.net

21/09/30 11:54:23.38 GvuBtalq.net
その情勢が、イラクから遠く離れて一見、無関係にみえる中国にも深刻な懸念を引き起こしつつある。(SANKEI EXPRESS)


21/09/30 11:54:48.43 GvuBtalq.net

21/09/30 11:55:06.05 GvuBtalq.net
Stevens developed a relationship with a young American woman,
the actress Patti D'Arbanville, and the two were a pair throughout
a period of two years or so. During that time, he wrote several songs about her,
including the hit song "Wild World."
The song is in the form of the singer's words to his departing lover,
inspired by the end of their romance. Stevens later recalled
to Mojo: "It was one of those chord sequences that's very common in Spanish music.
I turned it around and came up with that theme- which is a recurring theme in my work- which is to do with leaving,
the sadness of leaving, and the anticipation of what lies beyond." [1] Released as a single in late 1970,
it just missed becoming Stevens' first top ten hit in the U.S., peaking at #11
on the Billboard Pop Singles chart.[2] "Wild World" has been credited as the song that gave Stevens next album,
Tea for the Tillerman "enough kick" to get it played on FM radio; and Island Records' Chris Blackwell has been quoted as calling
it "the best album we’ve ever released" to that date.[3]

21/09/30 12:00:45.68 GvuBtalq.net
A year ago, Belarusian security forces tried to get rid of Maria Kolesnikova. But the opposition activist refused to leave the country, ripping up her passport at the border and climbing out of the car window.
"This whole year, they've been trying to make me regret what I did," she told the BBC in her first interview since she was convicted last month of plotting to seize power.
"I've been in hot and then cold cells, without air or light, without people. A whole year with nothing."
Ms Kolesnikova is one of the most prominent among hundreds of political prisoners who were seized after mass protests swept Belarus over the discredited election victory of President Alexander Lukashenko in 2020.
Many were brutally beaten while some have been forced into exile, as Mr Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, tried to crush all dissent.
"I knew if they didn't kill me, they'd put me in prison for sure," Ms Kolesnikova told me of the moment she resisted deportation, in written responses to questions passed on via her family. "Those who serve this system had left me in no doubt of that.
"But I don't regret anything, and I'd do the same again."

21/09/30 12:01:38.42 GvuBtalq.net
Ms Kolesnikova called the case against her "absurd", arguing that her goal of bringing "positive change" to Belarus had simply proved too popular for the authorities to tolerate.
Belarus jail terms for opposition figures
The giant protests that broke out following last August's election were suppressed by riot police, with clear evidence that they used torture. There were also mass arrests: the Viasna human rights group has counted more than 700 political prisoners so far, including several of its own members.
"My only regret is that Belarusians are afraid, that none of us are free," Ms Kolesnikova wrote to me from her own prison cell.
"I also regret that there are those who commit horrific crimes against people, against their own nature. Against life itself."
Symbol of freedom
A classical flautist, Maria Kolesnikova entered politics to campaign for Viktor Babaryko, a banker attempting to run in the 2020 presidential elections.
When her candidate was arrested, Ms Kolesnikova teamed up with Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who had stepped into the race and became a surprise hit with voters after her own husband was thrown in jail.

21/09/30 12:01:59.46 GvuBtalq.net
The women became the face of resistance to Mr Lukashenko's quarter-century-long rule, a suddenly unleashed demand for change.
But Ms Tikhanovskaya soon had to flee for safety. Ms Kolesnikova was then bundled into a van in Minsk by unknown men and vanished. This August, she was convicted and sentenced in a closed trial along with an opposition lawyer, Maxim Znak.
'Prison is a vile place'
Home is now a 2.5 m x 3.5 m (8.2 ft x 11.4 ft) cell with "two bunks, a toilet, a washbasin, a TV, a kettle, a mug, a bowl, a table, a bench and a view of the sky through the window bars". The activist says the prison exercise yard is just as tiny, but she runs around it for 50 minutes each day.
Fear and violence in the jails of Belarus
She spends the rest of the time reading, studying English and German and writing up to 200 letters a month. She allows herself just one note of complaint: that "everyone smokes everywhere", which is bad for her lungs as a flautist.

21/09/30 12:02:28.89 GvuBtalq.net
"Classical musicians develop a kind of military discipline and strength in all their years of rehearsals," she wrote, saying she'd adapted to her new existence "in an instant and without problem".
"Prison is a vile place. But here I feel like a free and happy person," the activist wrote.
"I know how many people care about me and think about me. That gives me incredible strength to go on. And I know for sure that good will triumph."
The smiling activist
That sunny personality has become famous in Belarus.
During the protests the flautist-turned-activist appeared to smile constantly, whatever the tension, her bright red-painted lips and bleach-blonde hair matching the colours of the opposition flag.
Others including Ms Tikhanovskaya have talked of "feeding" off her immense energy, enthusiasm - and bravery.

21/09/30 12:02:52.45 GvuBtalq.net
"When I remember the real reason the authorities and their pocket courts actually sentenced Maxim and me to such terms I find it easier to breathe and I'm more cheerful," Ms Kolesnikova wrote, whilst admitting she's "not thrilled" at the prospect of so long behind bars.
"The real plot to seize power has been carried out by Alexander Lukashenko's regime," she argued. "We wanted positive change in the country and we were making that happen. I am not surprised that this regime considers that a crime."
No illusions
Ms Kolesnikova's former lawyer, now stripped of his status like others who defended her, has told the BBC the entire process was intended to isolate the pair from society.
The activist herself says Belarusians now have "no illusions" about fair courts in the country.
Belarus crackdown fails to crush opposition spirit
"Trust in state institutions has been destroyed," she wrote. "Everyone understands perfectly that there are no independent courts or judges… they're serving the regime."

21/09/30 12:03:24.87 GvuBtalq.net
The suspicious death of a prominent Belarusian dissident - Vitaly Shishov - in Kyiv follows other unsolved cases involving Belarusian dissidents stretching back years.
Ukrainian police have opened a murder inquiry after finding Shishov hanged in a park, a day after he disappeared in the Ukrainian capital.
There are suspicions that agents loyal to authoritarian Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko were responsible. Shishov was running a group in Ukraine looking after Belarusians who had fled Mr Lukashenko's large-scale police crackdown, which began last August.
Missing Belarus activist found dead in park
Fear and violence in the jails of Belarus
Another high-profile Belarusian dissident died in Kyiv in July 2016, blown up by a car bomb: journalist Pavel Sheremet. His hard-hitting coverage of political oppression in Belarus angered the authorities. Sheremet was jailed in 1997, beaten up in 2004 and then he emigrated to Russia, where he was a star TV reporter.
Sheremet also criticised both Russia's military intervention in Ukraine in 2014 and what he considered Ukraine's mistakes in relation to Russia.
In Kyiv he worked for Ukrayinska Pravda, an investigative news website founded by journalist Georgy Gongadze, who exposed official corruption. Gongadze was murdered in 2000, his headless body discovered in woods. Three policemen were later jailed in the case.

21/09/30 12:04:40.05 GvuBtalq.net
Amnesty International called the murder of Sheremet "a heinous crime" and "despicable attack on freedom of expression". It demanded a thorough, independent investigation.
Murdered journalist buried in Minsk
In 2010 the founder of the Belarus dissident group Charter 97, Oleg Bebenin, was found hanged at his weekend home outside Minsk. Officials said he had committed suicide - a claim rejected by his colleagues, who said he had been committed to his work and had not hinted at any personal problems.
One of them, Dmitry Bondarenko, saw Bebenin's body and reported suspicious injuries: a broken ankle, cuts and scratches on his hands and chest, and bruises on his back.
Long-running mystery
The still unresolved disappearances of four high-profile Belarusian dissidents in 1999-2000 have been strongly condemned by Western politicians and human rights groups. They have urged Mr Lukashenko to investigate them properly.
However in 2011 a US State Department report on human rights abuses in Belarus noted: "there was evidence of government involvement in these cases, but authorities continued to deny any connection with the disappearances".

21/09/30 12:05:04.48 GvuBtalq.net
The Council of Europe (CoE) - the top European human rights watchdog - said its own investigation pointed to "steps taken at the highest level of the state to actively cover up the true background of the disappearances".
The CoE report also named several top Belarusian officials suspected of involvement in the disappearances. It demanded a proper Belarusian investigation.
In 2001 two ex-staff from the Belarus prosecutor's office who had fled abroad, claimed that Zakharenko, Gonchar and Krasovsky had been killed by a special forces "death squad". Later an ex-special forces soldier made a similar claim. Mr Lukashenko denied ordering any such operation, Radio Free Europe reported.

21/09/30 12:05:35.19 GvuBtalq.net
The head of a group helping people who have fled Belarus has been found dead near his home in neighbouring Ukraine.
Vitaly Shishov's body was found hanged in a park in Kyiv, a day after he failed to return from a jog. Police have opened a murder inquiry.
Police said they were investigating whether he had been killed and his death made to look like suicide.
Meanwhile a Belarusian Olympic sprinter who feared for her safety has been granted a humanitarian visa by Poland.
Mr Shishov led the Belarusian House in Ukraine (BHU), a group helping people who left Belarus, where opposition to the government is stifled.
He was one of many Belarusians who left the country as the security forces violently suppressed protests following the disputed re-election of President Alexander Lukashenko in August 2020.
Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania - neighbours of Belarus - are the main destinations for those fleeing persecution.

21/09/30 12:06:16.27 GvuBtalq.net
The United Nations said Mr Shishov's death adds another level to "our worries about what is happening in Belarus", and called for an investigation.
Mr Shishov's death is the latest incident to prompt international scrutiny of President Lukashenko's authoritarian government.
At the Tokyo Olympics, sprinter Krystina Timanovskaya, 24, was granted a humanitarian visa by Poland after refusing her team's order to fly back to Belarus early.
She said she had been forcibly taken to the airport for criticising team coaches, and voiced fears for her safety.
Earlier this year, there was an international outcry over the detention of opposition Belarusian journalist Roman Protasevich and his girlfriend, after the Ryanair plane they were travelling on was forced to divert and land in Belarus.
'We were warned repeatedly'
Police said that they had recovered Mr Shishov's mobile phone and personal items from the scene.
They are asking anyone who knew him to get in touch with any information about the last few weeks of his life and any possible threats to his life.

21/09/30 12:06:50.55 GvuBtalq.net
Mr Shishov left his home on Monday morning and it was assumed he had gone for his daily jog as his running gear was not found there later, his colleagues said.
They conducted their own search of the woods where he usually went running. Mr Shishov had felt under constant surveillance since he left Belarus last year, they said.
One colleague, Yuri Shchuchko, told Current Time TV that police said Mr Shishov had marks on his face, suggesting that he had been beaten up.
Mr Shchuchko said Ukrainian security officers and police had privately warned the BHU about threats to activists.
"They said we should watch ourselves because a Belarusian KGB [secret police] network was active here," Mr Shchuchko said.
The BHU said in a statement: "We were warned repeatedly by local sources and our people in Belarus about possible provocations, going as far as kidnapping and assassination. Vitaly reacted to those warnings with stoicism and humour."
On its website, the non-governmental organisation says it provides support to new arrivals in finding accommodation, jobs and legal advice.
At a briefing, Ukraine's national police chief Ihor Klymenko said Mr Shishov was found with grazes on his nose and knee. But the police chief said it was too early to determine whether he had been attacked.
Mr Shishov had not reported his suspicion of being under surveillance to the police, Mr Klymenko said.

21/09/30 12:07:16.36 GvuBtalq.net
The disputed presidential election last August was the catalyst for a crackdown on opposition to Mr Lukashenko's government. He has been in power since 1994.
Huge protests continued for weeks after the disputed vote, which Belarus dissidents and Western governments say was rigged in Mr Lukashenko's favour.
The protests were broken up brutally by police, and thousands were detained.
The UN and human rights groups say they have many reports of police violence used against protesters, cases of enforced disappearance and allegations of torture.
In recent months, Belarusian authorities have been trying to snuff out remaining dissents, jailing university students and shutting down independent media.
A police officer with a conscience who left Belarus
Why wearing the wrong socks is risky in Belarus
Opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya claimed victory in the election after standing in place of her politician husband, who was detained in March 2020.
She was forced to flee the country with her children the day after the election, and now lives in exile in Lithuania.
On Tuesday, Ms Tikhanovskaya flew to London for talks with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Belarus opposition chief hopeful after Johnson talks
Afterwards, Ms Tikhanovskaya said she had been assured by Mr Johnson that the UK would help create "multiple points of pressure" on Mr Lukashenko's government.
This would include assistance for Belarusian journalists forced to flee the country, and for democracy campaigners and charities, she said.
Earlier, Ms Tikhanovskaya said she was "devastated" by Mr Shishov's death and concerned that "those who flee Belarus still can't be safe".

21/09/30 12:07:36.76 GvuBtalq.net
Where is Belarus? It has its ally Russia to the east and Ukraine to the south. To the north and west lie EU and Nato members Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
Why does it matter? Like Ukraine, this nation of 9.5 million is caught in rivalry between the West and Russia. President Alexander Lukashenko has been nicknamed "Europe's last dictator" - he has been in power for 27 years.
What's going on there? There is a huge opposition movement demanding new, democratic leadership and economic reform. The opposition movement and Western governments say Mr Lukashenko rigged the 9 August election. Officially he won by a landslide. A huge police crackdown has curbed street protests and sent opposition leaders to prison or into exile.

21/09/30 12:08:45.34 GvuBtalq.net
Authorities in Spain's Canary Islands on Wednesday told residents on the western coast of La Palma to seal doors and windows with tape and wet towels to ward off toxic gases spewed by lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano as it reached the sea.
Lava gushing from the volcano for 10 days poured down a cliff into the sea in the Playa Nueva area near the town of Tazacorte, the Canary Islands Volcanology Institute confirmed via Twitter.
As day broke, red hot lava protruded above the Atlantic Ocean waterline, sending clouds of steam and toxic gases into the sky. Smoke clouds billowed from the volcano and the molten rock as it flowed down Cumbre Vieja's western flank.
"All the people in a 2-km radius have been evacuated" and a wider area is in lockdown, Tazacorte Mayor Juan Miguel Rodriguez Acosta told TV3 channel, adding that no further evacuations had been needed so far as the cloud was moving east.

21/09/30 12:09:30.11 GvuBtalq.net
The former police officer who raped and murdered a young woman may have handcuffed and arrested her under the false pretense of her breaching Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, a London court heard Wednesday.
Sarah Everard, whose death sparked a nationwide outcry about violence against women in the U.K., went missing as she was walking home from her friend’s house last March, the Old Bailey was told.
Wayne Couzens, who was a serving member of London's Metropolitan Police at the time, pled guilty in July to murdering the 33-year-old marketing executive.
At the two-day sentencing hearing that began Wednesday, prosecutor Tom Little told the court that Couzens’ movements before Everard's abduction were "consistent with the defendant hunting for a lone young female to kidnap and rape."

21/09/30 12:09:53.95 GvuBtalq.net
Everard, he said, had been to a friend's house for dinner at the height of the lockdown and would have been "more vulnerable to and/or more likely to submit to an accusation" that she had broken Covid-19 rules at the time Couzens performed "a false arrest."
That was the start of her lengthy ordeal, including an 80-mile journey while detained, Little said. When he did not take her to a police station, Everard "must have realized her fate," he added.
Everard's body was found a week after she went missing in a woodland in the county of Kent, more than 50 miles southeast of London.

21/09/30 12:10:14.07 GvuBtalq.net
He added that Couzens took a call about his children's' dental appointments, and called a veterinarian to consult on his dog having separation anxiety shortly after Everard's murder.
Everard's family gave emotional statements to the court. Her mother, Susan Everard, said in a statement that Couzens had treated her daughter "as if she was nothing and disposed of her as if she was rubbish."
"I go through the terrible sequence of events. I wonder when she realized she was in mortal danger," she said.
After asking for his daughter's picture to be displayed in the courtroom, Everard’s father, Jeremy, asked Couzens to face him as he addressed him directly.

21/09/30 12:10:51.24 GvuBtalq.net
"Sarah was handcuffed and unable to defend herself," he said. "This preys on my mind all the time."
Before the hearing, the Metropolitan Police said in a statement that it was "sickened, angered and devastated by this man's crimes which betray everything we stand for."
Couzens joined the force in 2018 and had most recently served in the parliamentary and diplomatic protection command, an armed unit responsible for guarding embassies in the capital and Parliament.

21/09/30 12:11:52.01 GvuBtalq.net
Denis Sanabria had not slept well for five days and felt that the emptiness in the pit of his stomach augured bad news. On that April day, he was working at his carpenter job in Nashville, Tennessee, with a saw in his hand, when the phone rang.
It was a telephone number from Mexico.
On the other end of the line, some men told him that they were holding his brother, David, 32, as well as his 4-year-old niece, Ximena. If he wanted to see them alive again, he had to send the kidnappers $7,500 in the next eight days.
When Denis asked who was on the line, he was told he didn't get to ask questions — he just needed to get the money.
Denis said the call left him gasping. For a week he had lost communication with his brother, and the coyote (smuggler) who brought David and Ximena from Honduras did not answer his calls.

21/09/30 12:12:13.85 GvuBtalq.net
Two hours later, the phone rang again. It was David, begging him to do what he could to get the ransom money.
Noticias Telemundo Investiga interviewed 32 migrants kidnapped from 2019 to 2021 in Mexico and the United States. Their relatives had to pay $1,500 to $5,000 as ransom to different cartels or criminal gangs for each of kidnapped migrants.
To get these sums of money, family members sold their vehicles or property, took their savings from the bank, went into debt with family and friends, or went out trying to ask neighbors for money.
Denis had no more options to be able to get more money for his brother and niece. A month earlier, he had managed to sell a car and take out all his savings to pay their smuggler, or coyote, $8,000 to bring them north through Mexico to the U.S. border.
The family in Honduras had lost everything in two hurricanes, Eta and Iota, in November 2020. The bean and corn crops that the family subsisted on in their native Cortés had been destroyed.
After the hurricanes and amid Honduras' political turmoil, the exodus to the U.S. has increased dramatically, according to figures from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

21/09/30 12:12:57.66 GvuBtalq.net
According to CBP figures, 40,091 Hondurans were detained in 2020 while trying to enter the U.S. without legal permission. So far this year, the Border Patrol has recorded 98,554 migrant apprehensions, more than double the previous year.
David’s coyote was supposed to drop them off at the Texas border, where he was going to turn himself in, along with this daughter, to U.S. immigration authorities and seek asylum.
But when they reached Reynosa in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, the coyote handed them over to an armed group.
According to Denis, the coyote deceived them, because the fee he paid was supposed to include what was to be paid to criminals for going through their territory.
From crossing Mexico to becoming hostages
For a month on the road, David and his daughter slept in abandoned houses, on the edge of the train tracks and under trees. They ate what they were given in migrant shelters on their way to northern Mexico. Nothing resembled what the coyote had promised.
When they arrived in Monterrey, in Nuevo León, they were put in the back of a truck with eight other migrants on their way to Reynosa.

21/09/30 12:13:23.14 GvuBtalq.net
At the city gates, the vehicle stopped on the orders of a group of armed men. They made all the migrants come out and inspected them one by one.
“They searched me, they took away the backpack I was carrying, they threw me face down,” David said.
They were taken to a warehouse, asked for their cellphones and asked who was their U.S. relative who was paying for the trip. Then they were kidnapped and told that if they wanted to be released, their relatives had to pay for the right to transit through the area.
“They told me they were the ones who commanded the border of the river and Reynosa, that they were from the Gulf cartel,” David said.
They were in a cellar for two days, and from there they were transferred to the desert. There were green tents set up under some bushes to camouflage the hostage camp. David estimates that there were about 50 migrants, mostly Hondurans.
“They made us put up with hunger and thirst, they only fed us once a day. It was almost always rice, beans and a glass of water,” he said, adding he would end up giving his food to his daughter to keep her fed.
As the days passed, David’s health began to deteriorate. He had weakness, fatigue, headache and dehydration symptoms. Every time the kidnappers arrived with his cellphone, he knew it was time to call his brother to pressure him and ask him to pay.
Denis said he would explain to the kidnappers on the phone that he had no money. “But they did not accept anything, they told me that I had to wash cars, sell chewing gum, beg in the streets, but that the money had to be paid if I wanted to see them alive," he said.

21/09/30 12:13:45.96 GvuBtalq.net
Every time Denis said he had no money, David earned himself a beating. His daughter cried when she saw him bleeding on the floor.
David said that when the deadline arrived for other migrants and their families had not been able to pay the ransom, the captives were murdered right there in the camp.
“With a machete they dismembered them, killed them," David said, "and the only thing I could do was cover my daughter’s eyes and ears so that she would not know what was happening, nor would she have those memories for her whole life."
When this happened, David said the corpses were cooked and the surviving migrants were served the human meat, “so that there would be no trace of anything — that’s what one had to eat.”
One of the things that most affected David was seeing the satanic rituals that the kidnappers performed at night.

21/09/30 12:14:05.50 GvuBtalq.net
"They knelt down, they had images of the devil, of Santa Muerte, they made pleas, they made offerings, it was something horrible,” he said. Several survivors who spoke to Noticias Telemundo Investiga talked about the kidnappers' cult of death.
David was ill and had already resigned himself to dying, but he was concerned that Ximena would remain alive and in the hands of criminals. That is why he asked them that if they were going to kill him, that they also kill his daughter.
“I was afraid that my daughter would grow up at their hands, so I was determined to lose my life, but with my daughter,” he said.
‘You know we don’t play’
While David and Ximena went through their hell, Denis was living through his own.
Denis had borrowed money from his co-workers, friends from an amateur soccer league in Nashville, and relatives in North Carolina. In total he was able to raise $4,000. But when he spoke to the kidnappers, they insisted that he must pay the full fee if he wanted to see his family members alive.
That day the kidnappers called back and put his brother on the phone: “Brother, if you can’t do it, it's OK, leave me here and they can tear me to pieces," David said. "If you can’t get the money, leave me here and God will take charge of me."
Denis said it was like a goodbye. "He knew that I was exhausted here, that I didn’t have any money, because everything I had they had already taken."

21/09/30 12:15:09.62 GvuBtalq.net
Denis had borrowed money from his co-workers, friends from an amateur soccer league in Nashville, and relatives in North Carolina. In total he was able to raise $4,000. But when he spoke to the kidnappers, they insisted that he must pay the full fee if he wanted to see his family members alive.
That day the kidnappers called back and put his brother on the phone: “Brother, if you can’t do it, it's OK, leave me here and they can tear me to pieces," David said. "If you can’t get the money, leave me here and God will take charge of me."
Denis said it was like a goodbye. "He knew that I was exhausted here, that I didn’t have any money, because everything I had they had already taken."
Another family gets a threat, this time on video
Another migrant identified as Daniel left Honduras in February, heading north with 15 other relatives, crossing Guatemala and arriving in Tabasco, in southern Mexico. In the capital, Villahermosa, the coyote took them to a hostel where they had to wait eight days to obtain a Mexican humanitarian visa so that they could continue traveling around the country.
But on the third day at the hostel, the administrator told them that the coyote had left without paying her or the group that collects the fee for them to traverse in the area. Two hours later, three vans with armed men arrived and took them from the hostel to a warehouse, where there were at least 100 more migrants, according to Daniel’s calculations.

21/09/30 12:15:42.00 GvuBtalq.net
“I need you to send the money, it’s $25,000 for all of them. You already know that we don’t play,” according to a voice heard in one of the videos obtained by Noticias Telemundo Investiga.
“They started hitting us with the AR-15 (semi-automatic rifle) on the head; they told us that if our families didn’t pay, they were going to kill us,” Daniel said.
As the kidnappers got ransom money, the conditions for the migrants improved. They gave them more food and put air conditioning on for them.
“So you can see that they are well attend, as long as you deposit money today," the voice in the video said.
But when the money stopped arriving on time, the kidnappers became desperate. “We've already separated the children from the parents; we don't want to take any more actions," they said. "We are going to start, now we are going to start cutting little fingers, we need the money, now!”

21/09/30 12:16:00.50 GvuBtalq.net
Twenty days after being kidnapped, Daniel escaped from his captors as they were changing locations, and he traveled for a week to reach a city on the U.S. border. He requested asylum for humanitarian reasons and is waiting to hear from the authorities. He doesn't know what happened to his relatives who were still being held hostage.
Some of the migrants who were also captives and were freed opted to return immediately to Honduras. Others continued on their way to the U.S.
Lack of political will to combat extortion
Daniel said a relative in Texas negotiated the $25,000 ransom for the group. The family member did confirm to Noticias Telemundo Investigates that he and other family members sold their cars in the U.S., as well as a farm in Honduras.
All transfers were made to women by the same methods used to send remittances to Mexico. Women look less suspicious because they are the ones who usually receive remittances from their immigrant relatives in the U.S., the kidnappers told several of the kidnapped migrants' families, according to the testimonies collected by Noticias Telemundo Investiga.
Denis keeps the seven transfers that he sent to his brother’s captors. It is a method used by criminals to deceive the authorities and receive extortion money through name men.

21/09/30 12:16:48.16 GvuBtalq.net
George Mason University professor Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, who has spent decades studying human trafficking and related criminal activities, said there's a lack of political will between the U.S. and Mexico to combat extortion and the kidnapping of migrants.
“Many of these sums of money, both from human trafficking and from extortion and kidnapping, are laundered not only in Mexico, but also in the United States," Correa-Cabrera said.
Moreover, most of the money from extortions "is paid from the United States," she said.
Freed in Reynosa, deported to Tijuana
Denis lost his shame in asking for money on the streets of Nashville, and prepared posters explaining his situation and that of his kidnapped brother. He put out several plastic cans to collect money and in one week, he raised the $3,500 he needed to free his brother and niece.
David and Ximena were released in April, on the outskirts of Reynosa. The kidnappers left them on a dirt road, and told David to walk in a straight line for half an hour until he found the Rio Grande. When he crossed it, he would be on U.S. territory.
“I was sick, depressed, beaten. I put my girl on my back, I told her to hold on tight to me, and that’s how we managed to swim across the river," David said.

21/09/30 12:17:08.97 GvuBtalq.net
Denis lost his shame in asking for money on the streets of Nashville, and prepared posters explaining his situation and that of his kidnapped brother. He put out several plastic cans to collect money and in one week, he raised the $3,500 he needed to free his brother and niece.
David and Ximena were released in April, on the outskirts of Reynosa. The kidnappers left them on a dirt road, and told David to walk in a straight line for half an hour until he found the Rio Grande. When he crossed it, he would be on U.S. territory.
“I was sick, depressed, beaten. I put my girl on my back, I told her to hold on tight to me, and that’s how we managed to swim across the river," David said.
Within five minutes of crossing, a Border Patrol van arrived, and they were processed and taken to an immigration detention center near the border. David pleaded with the officers that, if they were going to be deported, to send them to Honduras, because he never wanted to return to Mexico.
They were detained for three days in one of the centers known as "hieleras" or ice boxes because of the intense cold from the air conditioning. “My girl arrived with a covered chest, she had a lot of coughing, and she was all bitten by the insects of the desert, and that cold hurt her a lot,” he said.
On the third day of being detained, without any explanation, David and his daughter were put on a plane and returned to Mexico, but this time through Tijuana, Baja California. There they were received by the staff of the National Migration Institute of Mexico, which placed them in one of the shelters in the border city.

21/09/30 12:17:36.81 GvuBtalq.net
Under Title 42 to curb the spread of Covid-19, migrants who are detained at the border are returned to Mexico while their petitions for asylum are processed.
As of 2021, some 100,000 migrants a month are returned to Mexico, according to CBP.
David was scared when he arrived in Tijuana, fearing they would be kidnapped again. But Pastor Gustavo Banda, who welcomed him to the shelter where 3,000 migrants are housed, assured him that there would be no danger there.
According to Antonio Carpio, Baja California's anti-kidnapping prosecutor, there are not as many migrant kidnappings in his state compared to other northern Mexican border areas because “the criminal groups that operate there are not interested in that business.” They look for other ways to finance themselves, such as drug trafficking, he said.
There have been kidnappings of migrants in recent years in Tecate and Mexicali, he said, but he believes that Tijuana is a safe place for foreigners who live in shelters and in camps such as El Chaparral, where some 1,500 migrants are living.
In May, the organization Al Otro Lado, which provides free legal assistance to migrants from Baja California, helped David fill out an asylum application. After many prayers, he said, what he longed for came to be.
In August, the U.S. granted David and Ximena humanitarian parole so that they could enter the country and live with Denis in Tennessee while they await a court date on their asylum petitions.

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