14/07/21 20:49:36.54 7FvEj3cr.net
> Milarepa, in his “Song to the
> Five Long Life Sisters” (tshe ring mched lnga) says that even though
> Buddhas, the Truth Body, grounds, paths, and so forth―even
> emptiness―do not ultimately exist, within the scope of nonanalysis
> and non-investigation the omniscient Buddha said that
> everything exists for a conventional consciousness.
> Thus, Milarepa advocated a non-confusion of dependent-arisings in the sphere of
> conventional truths as well as the non-findability of even emptiness ultimately.(229頁)
> mi la ras pas tshe ring mched lnga'i mgur nang don dam par ni sangs rgyas dang |
> chos sku | sa lam la sogs pa dang | stong pa nyid kyang med na'ang |
> ma brtag ma dpad pa'i tha snyad pa'i shes pa'i ngor thams cad yod pa kun mkhyen gyis gsungs
> zhes gsungs pas rje mi las kun rdzob bden pa'i char rten 'byung mi bslu ba dang |
> don dam par ni stong nyid kyang mi rnyed par sgrub gnang | (321頁)
> ミラレパ