25/01/31 18:23:35.55 U8T/MRyu9.net
Japanese gaming PC builders cause havoc at Nvidia RTX 5090 and 5080 lottery
Nvidia's new RTX 5090 and 5080 supply is very limited, and a Japanese store's plan to share them fairly has gone seriously awry.
NVIDIA RTX 5090と5080の供給は限られていますが、日本の店舗がそれらを公平に分配する計画が失敗しました。
China is currently blocked from buying the full 5090, having to settle for the AI-neutered 5090D. As Nvidia can’t sell to the country, Japanese scalpers and others surrounding it are said to be going all in on buying up what they can for quick profit.
中国では完全にRTX 5090の購入がブロックされており、AI機能が無効化された5090Dで妥協せざる得なくなっている。
Through proxy service Buyee, we can see one RTX 5090 for sale for 800,000 yen, or $5197 on Yahoo Auctions. Scalpers are also beginning to crawl out of the woodwork in the West as well, with eBay lighting up with new, scalping auctions.
オークションでは代理サービスを通じて、RTX 5090が1台80万円(5197ドル)で販売されています。
PCGamesN 詳細はソース 2025/1/31
パソコン工房、NVDIA RTX 5090/5080の販売で希望者殺到、隣接する幼稚園敷地に侵入、木製の園銘板が破壊、パトカー2台出動 [お断り★]