24/10/22 18:28:15.87 HcflorMp0.net
フィンランドでは、先天奇形が非常に急速に増加しています。妊娠中の SARS-CoV-2 が甚大な被害を引き起こすことはわかっており、引き続き警戒するよう警告されています。
In Finland, congenital malformations are showing very strong growth. We know SARS-CoV-2 in pregnancy causes immense damage, & we were warned to stay vigilant.
As the same thing is reported in the US, Fentanyl is blamed.
“The discovery of a possibly novel syndrome came in August 2022, when Wadman consulted in the case of a baby who'd been born with birth defects.” JFC
New syndrome may be affecting babies exposed to fentanyl
午前6:36 · 2023年12月18日