23/08/05 19:12:20.97 ou8oiZrM0.net
いま支配的な株XBB.1.16 や XBB.2.3に変わって、8月はEG.5.1,とFL.1.5や XBB.1.16.6. が支配的な株になると予想されている」
Model for next 5 weeks:
Anticipating increases into August, driven by EG.5.1, FL.1.5, and XBB.1.16.6.
Each of these have advantage over XBB.1.16, XBB.2.3 etc.
The lack of cases for the last 4 months is expected to have increased the number of people susceptable to infection.
午前8:17 · 2023年7月21日