21/02/11 00:58:03.34 ODEiAWd40.net
It is a boon to be ignorant of the knowledge which you shouldn't know, said a wise man of my homeland, Virginia.
It was when I went to a hot-spring in Tohoku region last November that there happened to me an event such as any man of sanity isn't supposed to see. After washing myself, I was enjoying soaking myself in a very large bathtub.
At that time, I caught bubbles foaming on the water about 10 feet away from me, which showed that someone was diving under the nebulous water.
Next moment, to the surface rose a naked woman! I was stunned too much to move away. I wondered how she could stay under the water since before I entered the spa, that is, for at least 20 minutes.
Strangely enough, while she was approaching me, I never watched her eyes blinked. She stood in my face, and shouted, "Watch my body, and fuck me!"
A local person told me later that some Japanese girls, hearing that the hot-springs there were visited by white male travellers, often waited in the bathroom to peep the travellers' body or to seduce them and that such a girl was called a "crocodile".
I thought that this was the very nickname for her, judging from her underwater time and unblinked eyes.