【新潟】アパートの押し入れ、衣装ケースの中から頭部がない切断された遺体…40~60歳くらいの男性 死後半年以上か [ばーど★]at NEWSPLUS
【新潟】アパートの押し入れ、衣装ケースの中から頭部がない切断された遺体…40~60歳くらいの男性 死後半年以上か [ばーど★] - 暇つぶし2ch5:ニューノーマルの名無しさん
20/10/22 05:36:02.12 ma5OneM10.net
Hi, I am a Mississippian working in Tokyo. The impression which I had got about Asian people during staying in Tokyo
and other Asian cities (Hong Kong, Shanghai and Seoul) was pretty good because in general they keep their face smiley.
From their smiles, at first I guessed that they were gentle and the peaceful lives were lived in Asian countries.
But I dreadfully sympathise with them now that I know that they smile not because they want to smile but they have to smile.
In Asia, it is the most important to be polite and obedient to their superiors. One's failure to smile to his superior is regarded
as very impolite and offensive. Hence, Asians have been expected to remain smiley to those who are superior to them.
Subordinates have to smile to their bosses―likewise, wives to their husbands, students to their teachers, and people to their
monarchs. I shuddered to hear that one who was a little impolite to his superior was doomed to have his head cut literally
in the 19th century Japan.
I hardly need to say that the present situation about Asian people is not so bad as that in the pre-modern era, but their
free emotions are restricted more strictly than those in the Western countries.
Indeed, if you follow anyone, you can avoid being hurt. But what I want to tell you is that you may say "No".
