【来た!生物兵器説!】英デイリーメイル紙、武漢国立生物安全実験室から漏れたウイルスが今回のパンデミックの原因と報道at NEWSPLUS
【来た!生物兵器説!】英デイリーメイル紙、武漢国立生物安全実験室から漏れたウイルスが今回のパンデミックの原因と報道 - 暇つぶし2ch710:名無しさん@1周年
20/01/26 07:53:23 qi5cPm/+0.net


China built a lab to study SARS and Ebola in Wuhan - and US scientists warned in 2017 that a virus could 'escape' the facility located in the same city that's at the coronavirus outbreak's center

Now, a SARS-like coronavirus has infected more than 800 there, spread to at least 10 other countries and killed 25 in Wuhan and nearby provinces. 

China installed the first of a planned five to seven biolabs designed for maximum safety in Wuhan in 2017, for the purpose of studying the most high-risk pathogens, including the Ebola and the SARS viruses. 

Tim Trevan, a Maryland biosafety consultant, told Nature that year, when the lab was on the cusp of opening, that he worried that China's culture could make the institute unsafe because 'structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important.'  

In fact, the SARS virus had 'escaped' multiple times from a lab in Beijing, according to the Nature article. 

The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is located about 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market and some have wondered if the outbreak's epicentre is coincidental, but the scientific community currently believes that the virus mutated through and jumped to people through animal-human contact at the market. 

But, 'at this point there's no reason to harbour suspicions' that the facility had anything to do with the outbreak, besides being responsible for the crucial genome sequencing that lets doctors diagnose it, Rutgers University microbiologist Dr Richard Ebright told DailyMail.com.

The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, housed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was set up in the hopes of helping China contribute research on the world's most dangerous viruses. 

Constructed in 2015, the lab was still undergoing safety testing, but near ready to open in 2017. 

It was the first ever lab in the country designed to meet biosafety-level-4 (BSL-4) standards - the highest biohazard level, meaning that it would be qualified to handle the most dangerous pathogens. 

BSL-4 labs have to be equipped with airtight hazmat suits or special 'cabinet' work spaces that confine viruses and bacteria that can be transmitted through the air to sealed boxes that scientists reach into using attached high-grade gloves. 

There are about 54 BSL-4 labs worldwide. 

China's first, in Wuhan, received federal accreditation in January 2017. 
