【ノーベル賞】ノーベル化学賞受賞の吉野彰さん、一夜明け旭化成に出社。集まった社員たちから大きな拍手at NEWSPLUS
【ノーベル賞】ノーベル化学賞受賞の吉野彰さん、一夜明け旭化成に出社。集まった社員たちから大きな拍手 - 暇つぶし2ch155:名無しさん@1周年
19/10/10 15:09:05.47 ghTa2utB0.net
Curtis LeMay
LeMay is credited with designing and implementing an effective, but also controversial, systematic strategic bombing campaign in the Pacific theater of World War II.

World War II
In August 1944, LeMay transferred to the China-Burma-India theater and directed first the XX Bomber Command in China and then the XXI Bomber Command in the Pacific.
LeMay was later placed in charge of all strategic air operations against the Japanese home islands.
LeMay finally switched to low-altitude nighttime incendiary attacks on Japanese targets, a tactic senior commanders had been advocating for some time.
LeMay commanded subsequent B-29 Superfortress combat operations against Japan, including massive incendiary attacks on 67 Japanese cities and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This included the firebombing of Tokyo - known in official documents as the "Operation Meetinghouse" air raid on the night of March 9-10, 1945 - which proved to be the single most destructive bombing raid of the war.
Precise figures are not available, but the strategic bombing campaign against Japan, directed by LeMay between March 1945 and the Japanese surrender in August 1945, may have killed more than 500,000 Japanese civilians and left five million homeless.
Presidents Roosevelt and Truman supported LeMay's strategy, referring to an estimate of one million Allied casualties if Japan had to be invaded.
Japan had intentionally decentralized 90% of its war-related production into small subcontractor workshops in civilian districts, making remaining Japanese war industry largely immune to conventional precision bombing with high explosives.
As the firebombing campaign took effect, Japanese war planners were forced to expend significant resources to relocate vital war industries to remote caves and mountain bunkers, reducing production of war materiel.

6 Post-military career
6.3 Honors
He was also a recipient of the French Legion d'honneur and
on December 7, 1964 the Japanese government conferred on him the First Order of Merit with the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun.
11 Awards and decorations
Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, Grand Cordon
