19/08/23 13:09:22.77 ztd4xg740.net
It was on the unforgettable day, the 4th October 2013, that I came across an unnamable and blasphemous incident.
Enchanted by the Japanese traditional culture, I came to Japan from Oakland. After the several months' wandering
quest for unknown Japan, I got to a desolate village in northern area of Gifu.
At the village, I discovered a shrine which looked as if it had been built aeons before. The priest was kind enough to
invite me into the shrine, and he asked me to wait in a room alone. A few minutes later, a Japanese girl in a school
uniform entered into the room, who seemed to be the priest's daughter. Sitting down right in front of me, she dribbled
spit into a cup of sake, and urged me to drink it. What's more confusing, she suddenly took off her clothes naked and
whispered "fuck me". At that time, the ceiling falling down with a terrible roar stunned me unconscious...
I woke up to find myself on the bed in the hospital. A doctor told me that a fallen rock from the mountain behind had
smashed up the shrine like a meteor and so villagers had rescued me out of the heap of rubble. The calendar taught me
that three years had passed before the recovery of my consciousness.
I have been asking myself if there is anything in my life that I repent seriously than having encountered this incident.
A swinging scarlet ribbon which she was wearing to tie up her hair is even now deeply branded in my memory.