19/01/06 23:00:27.61 JLG9SG6w0.net
Japan "Korea, your destroyer locked a FC Radar on our patrol aircraft.
This is only one step away from an attack."
Korea "Please keep this confidential."
J "No."
K "We didn't use FC radar."
J "We have an evidence."
K "This is a part of our routine operation."
J "No, this is a violation of international agreement."
K "We were just searching a North Korean wrecked boat."
J "You didn’t need to use a FC in search of a boat.Did it disapear into the sky?"
K "We used a rader to find a boat but not FC."
J "Yes it was."
K "Because the weather was bad, we used all the radars."
J "It was clear and quiet."
K "Your aircraft flew into the irradiation range just for a moment."
J "It was for 5 minutes."
K "Since your aircraft had been intimidating, we kept directing FC."
J "We were just flying near Noto Peninsula."
K "Don’t blame us of minor things. Abe administration is using anti-Korean
sentiment for his favour."
J "Why did you ignore the radio?"
K "Because it was weak."
J "Having that in mind, we used 3 frequencies."
K "Because we heard only Korea Coast."
J "We didn’t use such a phrase."
K "Show us the evidence that we used FC."
K "Japan interfeared our humanitarian rescue operation with a threatning very low flight.
We are disappointed by such an act by a friendly nation."
=== Japan released a footage ===
J "The North Korean boat was right by your destroyer. You didn’t need to use a radar."
K "We express deep regret and concern that Japan released the video with only one-sided view.
It doesn’t change the fact that we didn't use the FC radar.
Japan should disclose an objective evidence."
K "Because of the noise and poor English, we didn’t get the communication."
K "Japan MSDF proclaimed itself Navy."
K "Japan threatened us like a Kamikaze attack."
=====Korea released a footage=====
K "Japan airplane didn’t take a evasive maneuvers and even came back proves that we didn’t direct the STIR."
J "If Korea continue to deny the fact, we would release the radar wave which we detected."
K "We are creating a video in eight languages."
K "We used STIR because we used optical camera." 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:f70dfdc711a7c6ae6accccb939f27fbf)