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バラク・オバマ 2016年4月5日 20時55分
Barack Obama.20:55, 5 Apr 2016
“A lot of it’s legal - but that’s exactly the problem.
“It’s not that they are breaking the laws, it’s that the laws are so poorly designed that they allow people
if they have got enough lawyers and enough accountants - to wriggle out of responsibilities that ordinary
citizens are having to abide by.
Panama papers firm had clients based in countries under US sanction, leak show
“Here in the United States, there are loopholes that only wealthy individuals and powerful corporations have access to.
“They have access to offshore accounts, and they are gaming the system.
“Middle class families are not in the same position to do this.
“In fact, a lot of these loopholes come at the expense of middle class families because that lost revenue has
to be made up somewhere.
“Alternatively, it means that we’re not investing as much as we should in schools, making college more affordable,
putting people back to work,rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our infrastructure (and) creating more opportunities for our children.”