15/06/01 09:24:40.07 kQgcmPXO0.net
411 エクスプロイダー(dion軍)@転載は禁止 sage 2015/06/01(月) 08:57:23.69 ID:g0Bx/6xG0
Report on the International Highway Project - Vinh Lequang, Walter Morauf, and Bruno Cartier
>Masahide Kanayama
>Former Japanese Ambassador to the Republic of Korea
>This proposal of Rev. Sun Myung Moon stems, I think, from his prophetic farsightedness as a man of religion.
>The heavenly providence seems to have already started working for its realization.
>The International Highway Project is the best means, especially in the communist sphere, [for countries] to emerge from economic backwardness,
> if we approach with the proper diplomatic perspective. Laying a road is the first prerequisite for their modernization.
>The alternative proposal for saving the human race from destruction by nuclear armaments is to undertake such a monumental public project as the International Highway,
> to be constructed for the sake of peace, with the spirit of mutual understanding, cooperation, and harmony.
>This prophecy seems to be eccentric, and yet this concept-changing ideal appears to be necessary for saving this world.