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The gluing is along the Zariski topology; one can glue within the category of locally ringed spaces, but also, using the Yoneda embedding, within the more abstract category of presheaves of sets over the category of affine schemes.
可換環論(英語:commutative algebra、commutative ring theory)は、その乗法が可換であるような環(これを可換環という)に関する理論の体系のこと、およびその研究を行う数学の一分野のことである。
Associative algebra
This article is about a particular kind of algebra over a commutative ring. For other uses of the term "algebra", see Algebra (disambiguation).
In mathematics, an associative algebra A is an algebraic structure with compatible operations of addition, multiplication (assumed to be associative), and a scalar multiplication by elements in some field K. The addition and multiplication operations together give A the structure of a ring; the addition and scalar multiplication operations together give A the structure of a vector space over K. In this article we will also use the term K-algebra to mean an associative algebra over the field K. A standard first example of a K-algebra is a ring of square matrices over a field K, with the usual matrix multiplication.