ガロア第一論文と乗数イデアル他関連資料スレ2at MATH
- 暇つぶし2ch485:aha 8 Professional profile: Differential Geometry, especially Riemannian and affine geometry. Curriculum Vitae: Born in Brno, June 19, 1936. Graduated at Masaryk University in Brno 1959. PhD (CSc.) 1963. Habilitation 1967. DrSc. degree 1983. Full Professor since 1991. Now, Professor Emeritus of the Charles University. Honorary member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (since 2001). Elected member of the Czech Learned Society (since 1998). Member of the Editorial Boards: 1) Annals of Global .Analysis and Geometry (Springer) - since 1983 2) Archivum Math. (MU Brno) - since 1991 3) Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae - 1976-2007 4) Differential Geometry and its Applications (Elsevier) - since 1983; Editor-in-chief 2002-2007 5) Note di Matematica ( Lecce) - since 1997 6) Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a Astronomie (Advances of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy) - since 1972, Editor-in-chief 1972-2001. List of publications https://www2.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~kowalski/publikace.htm (論文172、数学教科書 5、ポピュラー文 20 ) つづく