23/03/04 13:14:35.63 Ykziy9We.net
Ideals of holomorphic multipliers in a somewhat different context have been
used by Nadel (see [15]) and by Siu (see [16]) to prove global theorems
in algebraic geometry. Here we will be concerned with the ideals that
arise in the study of local regularity. We will briefly explain the use
of subelliptic estimates then we define local and microlocal multipliers
and show how to use them to derive subelliptic estimates. We also discuss the use of subelliptic multipliers when subellipticity fails. Finally we show how subelliptic multipliers give rise to invariants of complex
analytic varieties.
[ 8] J. J. Kohn, Subellipticity of the ∂^- -Neumann problem on pseudoconvex domains: sufficient conditions, Acta Math. 142 (1979), 79-122. URLリンク(projecteuclid.org)
[ 9] J. J. Kohn, Microlocalization of CR structures, Proceedings Several Complex Variables, Hangzhou Conference 1981, Birkhauser, Boston 1984,
>[ 8] J. J. Kohn, Subellipticity of the ∂^- -Neumann problem on pseudoconvex domains: sufficient conditions, Acta Math. 142 (1979)
・”§1. Introduction The main idea of this work is to analyze a-priori estimates for partial differential operators using the theory of ideals of functions.”
最初の[ 8]では、用語”Multiplier ideal”は、不使用みたい