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The German mathematicians intended to make their report available online, however, after reading the comprehensive report20 of the author of IUT on their report and these comments21, they changed their mind and abandoned plans to post their own report at that time. In his comprehensive report on their report the author of IUT formulated few questions to the German mathematicians which may have helped them to appreciate their mistakes.22 However, the second version of their report failed to address those questions.
Moreover, it included new incorrect statements demonstrating lack of basic knowledge of more classical areas such as height theory and one of the Faltings papers.
ドイツの数学者は自分たちのレポートをオンラインで利用できるようにするつもりでしたが、IUTの著者の包括的なレポート20とこれらのコメント21を読んだ後、彼らは考えを変え、その時点で自分のレポートを投稿する計画を断念しました。 彼らの報告に関する彼の包括的な報告の中で、IUTの著者はドイツの数学者に彼らの過ちを理解するのを助けたかもしれないいくつかの質問を作成しました22。しかし、彼らの報告の第2版はそれらの質問に対処できませんでした。