Inter-universal geometry とABC 予想47at MATH
Inter-universal geometry とABC 予想47
- 暇つぶし2ch917:支持がない証明は証明とは呼べません 支持不支持の部分を無視して論文として成立してるか否かを 問うのは無意味だと思います この点についてはFカレガリ氏の指摘が的を射ています "To take an extreme example, if Mochizuki had carved his argument on slate in Linear A and then dropped it into the Mariana Trench, then there would be little doubt that asking about the veracity of the argument would be beside the point." ミレニアムプライズのルールにも "the proposed solution must have received general acceptance in the global mathematics community" とあります