ガロア第一論文及びその関連の資料スレat MATH
- 暇つぶし2ch95:tations, where ∞ 1 2 4 are respectively related to 0 3 6 5. This group has its substitutions of the form 略 b being the letter corresponding to c, and a a letter which is a residue or non-residue according as c. For p = 11, the same substitutions take place with the same notations, ∞ 1 3 4 5 9 are respectively related to o 2 6 8 10 7. Thus, for the case of p = 5,7,11, the modular equation is reduced to degree p. In all rigor, this reduction is not possible in the higher cases. The third paper concerns the integrals. We know that a. sum of terms of the same elliptic function is always reduced to a single term plus algebraic or logarithmic quantities. https://www.アマゾン 近世数学史談 (岩波文庫) Paperback Bunko ? August 18, 1995 by 高木 貞治