23/02/14 11:14:02.45 injliag3.net
>Vertex operator algebra の一つの起源は数理物理であり, 初期の段階では, 定義がはっきりしなかった。Vertex algebra の正確な定義を与えたのは, Borcherds [Bor86], vertex operator algebra の定義を与えたのは, Igor Frenkel と Lepowsky と Meurman らしい。
>Richard E. Borcherds. “Vertex algebras, Kac-Moody algebras, and the Monster”. In: Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83.10 (1986), pp. 3068?3071. url: URLリンク(dx.doi.org)
1. Frenkel, I. B., Lepowsky, J. & Meurman, A. (1984) Proc.Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 3256-3260.
2. Frenkel, I. B. & Kac, V. G. (1980) Invent. Math. 62, 23-66.
3. Frenkel, I. B. (1985) Lect. Appl. Math. 21, 325-353.
ここに、”These results were presented at the November 1983 workshop on Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.”
とあるので、1983年時点で、米国では”Vertex Operators”という用語は、Mathematics and Physicsで使われていた
そして、この1984年の論文でも、”2. Vertex Operators and the Space V”の記載があります
Proc.Nati.Acad.Sci.USAVol.81,pp.3256-3260,May1984 Mathematics
Anatural representation of the Fischer-Griess Monster with the modular function J as character
These results were presented at the November 1983 workshop on Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. The details will appear elsewhere.
2. Vertex Operators and the Space V