23/02/12 09:52:10.05 t5GdbcIg.net
Moreover, the linear span of the functions χΛ(τ,0)
for Λ
of fixed level k
is invariant under the modular transformations
This turned out to be a key fact in the representation theory of affine algebras, as well as its applications to conformal field theory (see [Ve]), to 2
-dimensional lattice models [DaJiKuMiOk], and even to knot theory[YaGe].
[DaJiKaMi] E. Date, M. Jimbo, M. Kashiwara, T. Miwa, "Transformation groups for soliton equations" M. Jimbo (ed.) T. Miwa (ed.), Proc. RIMS Symp., World Sci. (1983) pp. 39-120
[DaJiKuMiOk] E. Date, M. Jimbo, A. Kuniba, T. Miwa, M. Okado, "Exactly solvable SOS models" Nucl. Phys., B290 (1987) pp. 231-273 MR0910849 Zbl 0679.17010
[FrKa] I.B. Frenkel, V.G. Kac, "Basic representations of affine Lie algebras and dual resonance models" Invent. Math., 62 (1980) pp. 23-66 MR0595581 Zbl 0493.17010
[FrLeMe] I.