23/02/04 15:19:35.67 FXdrMrMW.net
> 1989年にKronheimerと筆者は,ALE空間と呼ばれる実4次元のhyper-Kahler多様体上の反
"He and Hiraku Nakajima gave a construction of instantons on ALE spaces generalizing the Atiyah?Hitchin?Drinfeld?Manin construction. This constructions identified these moduli spaces as moduli spaces for certain quivers (see "Yang-Mills instantons on ALE gravitational instantons.")"
Hiraku Nakajima氏は、私が思っていた以上に大物ですねw
Peter B. Kronheimer
Peter Benedict Kronheimer (born 1963) is a British mathematician, known for his work on gauge theory and its applications to 3- and 4-dimensional topology. He is William Caspar Graustein Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University and former chair of the mathematics department.[1][2]
Kronheimer's early work was on gravitational instantons, in particular the classification of hyperkahler 4-manifolds with asymptotical locally Euclidean geometry (ALE spaces), leading to the papers "The construction of ALE spaces as hyper-Kahler quotients" and "A Torelli-type theorem for gravitational instantons." He and Hiraku Nakajima gave a construction of instantons on ALE spaces generalizing the Atiyah?Hitchin?Drinfeld?Manin construction. This constructions identified these moduli spaces as moduli spaces for certain quivers (see "Yang-Mills instantons on ALE gravitational instantons.") He was the initial recipient of the Oberwolfach prize in 1998 on the basis of some of this work.