20/09/01 21:43:02 n9IeiEve.net
20/09/02 06:09:01.75 LluQvpDW.net
20/09/02 06:52:26 LluQvpDW.net
◆yH25M02vWFhP の分かったフリ発言
層の理論は、上記 秋月康夫にあるように、”n≧2”で威力を発揮するということを!!」
細かいことの全てが数学 粗雑な上っ面は数学でもなんでもない
110:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:49:10.24 gNHKAJku.net
下記より Leray、”for application to PDE theory”
・1945 Jean Leray publishes work carried out as a prisoner of war, motivated by proving fixed-point theorems for application to PDE theory; it is the start of sheaf theory and spectral sequences.
・1947 Henri Cartan reproves the de Rham theorem by sheaf methods, in correspondence with Andre Weil (see De Rham?Weil theorem).
Leray gives a sheaf definition in his courses via closed sets (the later carapaces).
・1951 The Cartan seminar proves theorems A and B, based on Oka's work.
でした! by チコちゃん(^^;
Sheaf (mathematics)
The first origins of sheaf theory are hard to pin down ? they may be co-extensive with the idea of analytic continuation[clarification needed]. It took about 15 years for a recognisable, free-standing theory of sheaves to emerge from the foundational work on
111: cohomology. ・1945 Jean Leray publishes work carried out as a prisoner of war, motivated by proving fixed-point theorems for application to PDE theory; it is the start of sheaf theory and spectral sequences. ・1947 Henri Cartan reproves the de Rham theorem by sheaf methods, in correspondence with Andre Weil (see De Rham?Weil theorem). Leray gives a sheaf definition in his courses via closed sets (the later carapaces). ・1948 The Cartan seminar writes up sheaf theory for the first time. つづく
112:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:49:31.41 gNHKAJku.net
・1950 The "second edition" sheaf theory from the Cartan seminar: the sheaf space (espace etale) definition is used, with stalkwise structure. Supports are introduced, and cohomology with supports. Continuous mappings give rise to spectral sequences. At the same time Kiyoshi Oka introduces an idea (adjacent to that) of a sheaf of ideals, in several complex variables.
・1951 The Cartan seminar proves theorems A and B, based on Oka's work.
他方同じころ,これとは独立にルレーJ.Leray(1906‐ )が同様なものを考えた。その直後,H.カルタンらが層の一般論を展開し,多変数関数論に有効に利用した。…
出典|株式会社平凡社世界大百科事典 第2版について
特に代数幾何学や複素多様体やスキームの理論では、連接層(れんせつそう、英: coherent sheaf)とは、底空間の幾何学的性質に密接に関連する、扱いやすい性質をもった特別な層である。
連接層は有限ランクのベクトルバンドルや局所自由層の一般化とみなすことができる。ベクトルバンドルとは違い、連接層のなす圏は、核(英語版)や余核や有限の直和といった操作で閉じている「素晴らしい」圏である。準連接層(じゅんれんせつそう、英:quasi-coherent sheaf)は連接層における有限性の仮定をはずしたもので、ランク無限の局所自由層を含んでいる。
・岡の連接定理は、複素多様体上の正則函数の層が環の連接層であるという定理である[3] 。
113:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:50:33.85 gNHKAJku.net
Leray spectral sequence
In mathematics, the Leray spectral sequence was a pioneering example in homological algebra, introduced in 1946[1][2] by Jean Leray. It is usually seen nowadays as a special case of the Grothendieck spectral sequence.
Spectral sequence
In homological algebra and algebraic topology, a spectral sequence is a means of computing homology groups by taking successive approximations. Spectral sequences are a generalization of exact sequences, and since their introduction by Jean Leray (1946), they have become important computational tools, particularly in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and homological algebra.
Spectral sequence
In homological algebra and algebraic topology, a spectral sequence is a means of computing homology groups by taking successive approximations. Spectral sequences are a generalization of exact sequences, and since their introduction by Jean Leray (1946), they have become important computational tools, particularly in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and homological algebra.
de Rham:The influence of de Rham’s theorem was particularly great during the development of Hodge theory and sheaf theory.
Georges de Rham (French: [d??am]; 10 September 1903 ? 9 October 1990) was a Swiss mathematician, known for his contributions to differential topology.
114:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:51:05.59 gNHKAJku.net
Mathematics research
In 1931 he proved de Rham's theorem, identifying the de Rham cohomology groups as topological invariants. This proof can be considered as sought-after, since the result was implicit in the points of view of Henri Poincare and Elie Cartan. The first proof of the general Stokes' theorem, for example, is attributed to Poincare, in 1899. At the time there was no cohomology theory, one could reasonably say: for manifolds the homology theory was known to be self-dual with the switch of dimension to codimension (that is, from Hk to Hn?k, where n is the dimension). That is true, anyway, for orientable manifolds, an orientation being in differential form terms an n-form that is never zero (and two being equivalent if related by a positive scalar field). The duality can be reformulated, to great advantage, in terms of the Hodge dual?intuitively, 'divide into' an orientation form?as it was in the years succeeding the theorem. Separating out the homological and differential form sides allowed the coexistence of 'integrand' and 'domains of integration', as cochains and chains, with clarity. De Rham himself developed a theory of homological currents, that showed how this fitted with the generalised function concept.
The influence of de Rham’s theorem was particularly great during the development of Hodge theory and sheaf theory.
115:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:51:25.14 gNHKAJku.net
De Rham cohomology
In mathematics, de Rham cohomology (after Georges de Rham) is a tool belonging both to algebraic topology and to differential topology, capable of expressing basic topological information about smooth manifolds in a form particularly adapted to computation and the concrete representation of cohomology classes. It is a cohomology theory based on the existence of differential forms with prescribed properties.
The integration on forms concept is of fundamental importance in differential topology, geometry, and physics, and also yields one of the most important examples of cohomology, namely de Rham cohomology, which (roughly speaking) measures precisely the extent to which the fundamental theorem of calculus fails in higher dimensions and on general manifolds.
??Terence Tao, Differential Forms and Integration[1]
Algebraic topology is a branch of mathematics that uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces. The basic goal is to find algebraic invariants that classify topological spaces up to homeomorphism, though usually most classify up to homotopy equivalence.
Although algebraic topology primarily uses algebra to study topological problems, using topology to solve algebraic problems is sometimes also possible. Algebraic topology, for example, allows for a convenient proof that any subgroup of a free group is again a free group.
116:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:55:46.09 gNHKAJku.net
>>103 ダブり訂正
Spectral sequence
In homological algebra and algebraic topology, a spectral sequence is a means of computing homology groups by taking successive approximations. Spectral sequences are a generalization of exact sequences, and since their introduction by Jean Leray (1946), they have become important computational tools, particularly in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and homological algebra.
Spectral sequence
In homological algebra and algebraic topology, a spectral sequence is a means of computing homology groups by taking successive approximations. Spectral sequences are a generalization of exact sequences, and since their introduction by Jean Leray (1946), they have become important computational tools, particularly in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and homological algebra.
117:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 07:59:56.35 gNHKAJku.net
>細かいことの全てが数学 粗雑な上っ面は数学でもなんでもない
118:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 10:06:39.22 pPZpUNUZ.net
>>107 補足
神脳 河野玄斗 数学勉強法:”理解”がキーワード
119:現代数学は極めて抽象化されている だが、抽象化された概念を自分なりに消化する、これが大事なのだよ 前スレ(3) より https://rio2016.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/math/1595166668/194-195 (再録) (参考) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B2%B3%E9%87%8E%E7%8E%84%E6%96%97 河野玄斗 http://kosodatedoctor.ハテナブログ/entry/2019/06/05/173848 Dr.よつばの医師夫婦育児日記 2019-06-05 読書録125 東大医学部在学中に司法試験も一発合格した僕のやっているシンプルな勉強法 ネタバレ (抜粋) ※勉強は、幹から押さえることが重要※ →枝葉にこんつめて失敗することがない。 →メリハリづけ、優先順位をつけることで効率UP ※人に教えることが最良のアウトプット※ →人に教えるつもりで、押さえるべき重要部分を意識する。 →自分の言葉でそしゃくして、 わかりやすく置き換えられれば理解できてる。 「勉強は、 全体像を常に意識して一区切りしたら人に教えるノリで要約してい く。 暗記科目でも、まずは理解に専念して全体像をつかむ。 説明すると、頭の情報が自分の言葉で言語化されるし、 要約するとこれだけか、とわかる。 ※読み飛ばし勉強法※ 一度教科書を読んだら、すぐにもう一度30秒ほどで読む。 (8)独学の意識を持つ 教わるのではなく、自分から勉強する。独学が最も効率的。 講義はあくまで独学を補助するツール。 まず独学して、わからないところだけ先生に聞く。 講義は自分に必要な最低限にとどめ、まずは自習時間を確保。 ■■高校大学受験を完全攻略する■■ ■数学■ (2)数学の勉強法 1、基本問題はパターンを攻略する 問題を解く際に常にその抽象論を意識する。 解き方丸暗記ではなく、 解き方の背景にある理屈を説明できるように。 (3)数学の楽しさ 沢山ある基本問題の背景に一貫した理屈を見つけたとき、 点が線になり世界が広がる感覚 →複数の問題の根底にある抽象論を抽出するのが大切
120:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/02 10:18:06.61 pPZpUNUZ.net
>神脳 河野玄斗 数学勉強法:”理解”がキーワード
沢山ある基本問題の背景に一貫した理屈を見つけたとき、 点が線になり世界が広がる感覚”(>>108)
佐藤超関数>>87の「n=1とn≧2とでは根本的な差がある」(>>87 秋月康夫)
"層係数コホモロジー理論を使う必要があった(下記、片岡 清臣)"ってところで繋がっているのです
20/09/02 17:08:04.82 md+DGt+8.net
20/09/02 18:48:05.80 LluQvpDW.net
>The first origins of sheaf theory are hard to pin down –
>they may be co-extensive with the idea of analytic continuation
>[clarification needed]
重要なのは連接性 層に関連付けたのはアンリ・カルタン
それじゃ数学は無理 あきらめろって
その汗は冷や汗だろ ぬぐえよw
20/09/02 18:49:35.13 LluQvpDW.net
あんた、ド・ラム コホモロジーとかいう前に、
そんなド素人じゃ、ド・ラム コホモロジーとか興味持つだけ無駄 諦めろ
20/09/02 18:51:02.59 LluQvpDW.net
20/09/02 18:51:39.26 LluQvpDW.net
>神脳 河野玄斗
20/09/02 18:54:21.51 LluQvpDW.net
関係あるの当たり前じゃん 馬鹿じゃね?
20/09/02 18:57:17.76 LluQvpDW.net
128:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:36:40 gNHKAJku.net
>>77 補足
海城 (春木先生):”クラインの「エルランゲン・プログラム」
”一般に n 次元リーマン多様体上に作用し,かつ計量を不変
1)海城 数学科リレー講座 エルランゲン・プログラム
数学科リレー講座 最終日 2013.08.24 海城
2013.08.24 海城
129:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:37:37 gNHKAJku.net
平成 25 年度 数学科リレー講座 6 日目 2013.08.24 海城
エルランゲン・プログラム 春木 淳・小澤嘉康
クライン (1849 ? 1925
130:) はリー群で有名なリーと出会い,ともに幾何学に初心があったこともあり,意気投合しました。 2 人はガロア理論を解読し終えたばかりのジョルダンの影響を受け,ガロアが思いもよらなかったであろう幾何学の分野へ群論を拡張させました。 1872年,クラインは23歳でエルランゲン大学の教授に招聘され,その就任講演で,幾何学的性質とは変換群 G の作用で不変に保たれる性質という考え方を示しました。 これは後にエルランゲン・プログラムと呼ばれ,「幾何学とは何か」というある種哲学的な問いに対する一つの答えを与えたものです。 このように,群とその群が作用する空間を組にして幾何学的対象として特徴づけたものをクライン幾何学といいます。 このエルランゲン・プログラムにより,その当時存在したいろいろな幾何学のほとんどは,射影幾何学に対してある種の制限をかけたものとしてとらえることができます。そういった意味で,射影幾何学は当時では万能の幾何学でした。 P28 5 最後に すべての幾何がクラインの幾何の考え方によって統一されたかのように思われました。 しかし,リーマンが 1854 年に提唱した多様体上の幾何学(リーマン幾何学,微分幾何学)において, 一般に n 次元リーマン多様体上に作用し,かつ計量を不変に保つような変換群は存在しません。 よって,クライン幾何の枠の中には入らないものでした。 カルタンはクライン幾何を発展させて接続の理論を考えだし,その思想を多様体上の幾何学の中に取り込みました。 そして,この多様体上の幾何学はその後発展をし,アインシュタインの一般相対性理論に大きな影響を及ぼしています。 (引用終り) つづく
131:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:38:16 gNHKAJku.net
非ユークリッド幾何学について よしいず 2003-2011
小林昭七(著): ユークリッド幾何から現代幾何へ,日本評論社,1990
3)接続 (幾何学):”カルタンはクラインのエルランゲン・プログラムの局所化を試みていたのである。
接続 (幾何学)
132:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:39:18 gNHKAJku.net
接続(せつぞく、英: connection)の考え方により、曲線や曲線の族にそって平行で整合性を持つデータの移動の考え方を詳しく示すことができる。 現代の幾何学には多くの種類の接続の考え方があり、移動したいデータが何であるかに依存する。例えば、アフィン接続は接続の最も基本的なタイプであるが、この接続はある曲線に沿ってある点から別な点へ多様体の接ベクトルを移動することを意味する。アフィン接続は、典型的には共変な微分形式として与えられ、ベクトル場の方向微分、つまり与えられた方向へのベクトル場の無限小移動をとることを意味する。
現代の幾何学では接続は非常に重要である。大きな理由は、接続によりある点での局所幾何学と別な点での局所幾何学を比較することが可能となるからである。微分幾何学は、接続の考え方のいくつかの変形を持っている。大きなグループ分けをすると 2つのグループがあり、局所の理論と無限小の理論である。
接続は、歴史的にはまずリーマン幾何学において見出された。接続の概念のはじまりをどこに置くかについては諸説あるが、クリストッフェルの研究をその淵源とする見方がある[注釈 1]。クリストッフェルは1869年の論文で、座標変換の導関数が満たす関係式の研究を通じ、現在クリストッフェル記号とよばれる量を発見した[3]。これを用いて、リッチはその学生であるレヴィ=チヴィタとともに、彼らが絶対微分学(英語版)とよんだ、共変微分を用いる今でいうテンソル解析の計算の手法をつくりあげた[4]。
レヴィ=チヴィタはまた、1916年に、リーマン幾何学における接ベクトルの平行移動の概念を発見し、これが共変微分によって記述されることをみつけた[5](レヴィ=チヴィタ接続の名前はこのことによる)。1918年にワイルはそれを一般化して、アフィン接続の概念に到達した[6][注釈 2]。ここで「接続」にあたる語(独: Zusammenhang)がはじめて使用された[要出典]。
133:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:39:51 gNHKAJku.net
134:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:40:46 gNHKAJku.net
5)Cartan ”KLEIN-CARTAN プログラム”(エルランゲンの発展形)
巾零幾何・巾零解析の展開-幾何と微分方程式に対するKLEIN-CARTAN プログラム-森本 徹 2015
Espace generalise.
一般相対性理論の波を受けて 1922年 Cartanは espace generalise の考えを発表し幾何の新しい枠組を提唱した (17)
今日 Cartan 接続を備えた空間あるいは Cartan 幾何と呼ばれるものである.その枠組は Klein 幾何を含むと同時に,それまで Klein 幾何の枠外に孤立していた Riema
135:nn 幾何をもその枠組に取り入れ,さらにユークリッド幾何の変形が Riemann 幾何であるように,射影幾何や Mobius幾何などの Klein 幾何の変形を自然にその枠組に取りいれるものである.さらにその枠組において Klein 幾何と同様に群が基本的な役割を演じるのである. Klein を遥かに超えた vaste synthese を達成したとCartan は誇らしげに述べている(81). (引用終り) つづく
136:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/02 23:42:52 gNHKAJku.net
(幾何学 wikipedia より)
そして”conformal transformation”(=等角写像 >>85)は、2次元に限らない
だが、奇跡的に 2次元”conformal transformation”は、1変数正則関数論と一致します
ですが、”conformal transformation”の視点は、ある図形、例えば複素平面の円が、”conformal transformation”によって、どういう図形になるのかというところに力点があるのです
よって”conformal transformation”(=等角写像 >>85)は、
これは 海城の生徒なら、すぐ分かる話です(^^
20/09/03 06:11:20.88 jFhKC8Ah.net
あんた わけもわからずやたらと文章食うと腹壊すよ
肝心の定義は略すよね?逆だよね まっさきに定義を書くよね
最後にconformal transformationは普通、共形変換といいますが
そんな大学生 理工系なら皆無だよね
20/09/03 06:18:59.38 jFhKC8Ah.net
それにしても◆yH25M02vWFhP は
そんなテイタラクで、やれ接続だド・ラム コホモロジーだ連接層だと
嫌いでもいいよ でも、それなら、数学板に書くなよ いやそもそも読むなよ
しかし数学はダメだ 数学はエクゼクティブにはもっとも向かない
139:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/03 10:18:34.18 k0Z0EEBv.net
”Serre spectral sequence”つまり、スペクトル系列に力点がある
なお、Leray spectral sequence、Serre spectral sequence、Grot
140:hendieck spectral sequence、この3者の関係は、 Leray spectral sequence en.wikipedia ”5 History and connection to other spectral sequences” に詳しい なお、Grothendieck spectral sequence:”the Grothendieck spectral sequence, introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in his Tohoku paper,” とある さらに、”Sharpe, Eric (2003). Lectures on D-branes and Sheaves (pages 18?19), arXiv:hep-th/0307245”なんてあるね ”D-branes and Sheaves”ね~! (^^ (参考) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serre_spectral_sequence Serre spectral sequence In mathematics, the Serre spectral sequence (sometimes Leray?Serre spectral sequence to acknowledge earlier work of Jean Leray in the Leray spectral sequence) is an important tool in algebraic topology. It expresses, in the language of homological algebra, the singular (co)homology of the total space X of a (Serre) fibration in terms of the (co)homology of the base space B and the fiber F. The result is due to Jean-Pierre Serre in his doctoral dissertation. 1 Cohomology spectral sequence 2 Homology spectral sequence 3 Example computations 3.1 Hopf fibration 3.2 Sphere bundle on a complex projective variety 3.3 Basic pathspace fibration 3.4 Cohomology ring of complex projective space 3.5 Fourth homotopy group of the three-sphere つづく
141:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/03 10:20:00.81 k0Z0EEBv.net
The Serre spectral sequence is covered in most textbooks on algebraic topology, e.g.
・Allen Hatcher, The Serre spectral sequence
・Edwin Spanier, Algebraic topology, Springer
・James Davis, Paul Kirk, Lecture notes in algebraic topology gives many nice applications of the Serre spectral sequence.
Leray spectral sequence
5 History and connection to other spectral sequences
History and connection to other spectral sequences
At the time of Leray's work, neither of the two concepts involved (spectral sequence, sheaf cohomology) had reached anything like a definitive state. Therefore it is rarely the case that Leray's result is quoted in its original form. After much work, in the seminar of Henri Cartan in particular, the modern statement was obtained, though not the general Grothendieck spectral sequence.
Earlier (1948/9) the implications for fiber bundles were extracted in a form formally identical to that of the Serre spectral sequence, which makes no use of sheaves. This treatment, however, applied to Alexander?Spanier cohomology with compact supports, as applied to proper maps of locally compact Hausdorff spaces, as the derivation of the spectral sequence required a fine sheaf of real differential graded algebras on the total space, which was obtained by pulling back the de Rham complex along an embedding into a sphere. Serre, who needed a spectral sequence in homology that applied to path space fibrations, whose total spaces are almost never locally compact, thus was unable to use the original Leray spectral sequence and so derived a related spectral sequence whose cohomological variant agrees, for a compact fiber bundle on a well-behaved space with the sequence above.
142:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/03 10:20:24.02 k0Z0EEBv.net
In the formulation achieved by Alexander Grothendieck by about 1957, the Leray spectral sequence is the Grothendieck spectral sequence for the composition of two derived functors.
Grothendieck spectral sequence
In mathematics, in the field of homological algebra, the Grothendieck spectral sequence, introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in his Tohoku paper, is a spectral sequence that computes the derived functors of the composition of two functors G・F, from knowledge of the derived functors of F and G.
1 Examples
1.1 The Leray spectral sequence
1.2 Local-to-global Ext spectral sequence
2 Derivation
3 Notes
4 References
4.1 Computational Examples
Computational Examples
Sharpe, Eric (2003). Lectures on D-branes and Sheaves (pages 18?19), arXiv:hep-th/0307245
143:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/03 17:21:40.39 k0Z0EEBv.net
>”Serre spectral sequence”つまり、スペクトル系列に力点がある
Jean-Pierre Serre
(余談:”Hiroshi Toda”?)
Homotopy groups of spheres
In the mathematical field of algebraic topology, the homotopy groups of spheres describe how spheres of various dimensions can wrap around each other. They are examples of topological invariants, which reflect, in algebraic terms, the structure of spheres viewed as topological spaces, forgetting about their precise geometry. Unlike homology groups, which are also topological invariants, the homotopy groups are surprisingly complex and difficult to compute.
Most modern computations use spectral sequences, a technique first applied to homotopy groups of spheres by Jean-Pierre Serre. Several important patterns have been established, yet much remains unknown and unexplained.
Jean-Pierre Serre used spectral sequences to show that most of these groups are finite, the exceptions being πn(Sn) and π4n?1(S2n).
Others who worked in this area included Jose Adem, Hiroshi Toda, Frank Adams and J. Peter May. The stable homotopy groups πn+k(Sn) are known for k up to 64, and, as of 2007, unknown for larger k (Hatcher 2002, Stable homotopy groups, pp. 385?393).
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Framed cobordism
Until the advent of more sophisticated algebraic methods in the early 1950s (Serre) the Pontrjagin isomorphism was the main tool for computing the homotopy groups of spheres.
Homotopy groups of spheres are closely related to cobordism classes of manifolds. In 1938 Lev Pontryagin established an isomorphism between the homotopy group πn+k(Sn) and the group Ωframed
k(Sn+k) of cobordism classes of differentiable k-submanifolds of Sn+k which are "framed", i.e. have a trivialized normal bundle.
Until the advent of more sophisticated algebraic methods in the early 1950s (Serre) the Pontrjagin isomorphism was the main tool for computing the homotopy groups of spheres.
In 1954 the Pontrjagin isomorphism was generalized by Rene Thom to an isomorphism expressing other groups of cobordism classes (e.g. of all manifolds) as homotopy groups of spaces and spectra. In more recent work the argument is usually reversed, with cobordism groups computed in terms of homotopy groups (Scorpan 2005).
Finiteness and torsion
In 1951, Jean-Pierre Serre showed that homotopy groups of spheres are all finite except for those of the form πn(Sn) or π4n?1(S2n) (for positive n), when the group is the product of the infinite cyclic group with a finite abelian group (Serre 1951). In particular the homotopy groups are determined by their p-components for all primes p. The 2-components are hardest to calculate, and in several ways behave differently from the p-components for odd primes.
In the same paper, Serre found the first place that p-torsion occurs in the homotopy groups of n dimensional spheres, by showing that πn+k(Sn) has no p-torsion if k < 2p ? 3, and has a unique subgroup of order p if n ? 3 and k = 2p ? 3.
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Furthermore, the stable range can be extended in this case: if n is odd then the double suspension from πk(Sn)
146:to πk+2(Sn+2) is an isomorphism of p-components if k < p(n + 1) ? 3, and an epimorphism if equality holds (Serre 1952). The p-torsion of the intermediate group πk+1(Sn+1) can be strictly larger. Computational methods ・"The method of killing homotopy groups", due to Cartan and Serre (1952a, 1952b) involves repeatedly using the Hurewicz theorem to compute the first non-trivial homotopy group and then killing (eliminating) it with a fibration involving an Eilenberg?MacLane space. ・The Serre spectral sequence was used by Serre to prove some of the results mentioned previously. He used the fact that taking the loop space of a well behaved space shifts all the homotopy groups down by 1, so the nth homotopy group of a space X is the first homotopy group of its (n?1)-fold repeated loop space, which is equal to the first homology group of the (n?1)-fold loop space by the Hurewicz theorem. This reduces the calculation of homotopy groups of X to the calculation of homology groups of its repeated loop spaces. The Serre spectral sequence relates the homology of a space to that of its loop space, so can sometimes be used to calculate the homology of loop spaces. The Serre spectral sequence tends to have many non-zero differentials, which are hard to control, and too many ambiguities appear for higher homotopy groups. Consequently, it has been superseded by more powerful spectral sequences with fewer non-zero differentials, which give more information. (日本語ページ無いが、英文ページがある(^^;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroshi_Toda Hiroshi Toda Hiroshi Toda (戸田 宏, Toda Hiroshi, born 1928) is a Japanese mathematician, who specializes in stable and unstable homotopy theory. つづく
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He started publishing in 1952. Many of his early papers are concerned with the study of Whitehead products and their behaviour under suspension and more generally with the (unstable) homotopy groups of spheres. In a 1957 paper he showed the first non-existence result for the Hopf invariant 1 problem. This period of his work culminated in his book Composition methods in homotopy groups of spheres (1962). Here he uses as important tools the Toda bracket (which he calls the toric construction) and the Toda fibration, among others, to compute the first 20 nontrivial homotopy groups for each sphere.
(Ishikawa, Goo は、北大か。URLリンク(www.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp) 幾何学者石川剛郎の公式ホームページへようこそ! )
Hiroshi Toda
Name School Year Descendants
Ishikawa, Goo 1985 7
In mathematics, cobordism is a fundamental equivalence relation on the class of compact manifolds of the same dimension, set up using the concept of the boundary (French bord, giving cobordism) of a manifold. Two manifolds of the same dimension are cobordant if their disjoint union is the boundary of a compact manifold one dimension higher.
The boundary of an (n + 1)-dimensional manifold W is an n-dimensional manifold ∂W that is closed, i.e., with empty boundary. In general, a closed manifold need not be a boundary: cobordism theory is the study of the difference between all closed manifolds and those that are boundaries. The theory was originally developed by Rene Thom for smooth manifolds (i.e., differentiable), but there are now also versions for piecewise linear and topological manifolds.
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4 History
Cobordism had its roots in the (failed) attempt by Henri Poincare in 1895 to define homology purely in terms of manifolds (Dieudonne 1989, p. 289). Poincare simultaneously defined both homology and cobordism, which are not the same, in general. See Cobordism as an extraordinary cohomology theory for the relationship between bordism and homology.
Bordism was explicitly introduced by Lev Pontryagin in geometric work on manifolds. It came to prominence when Rene Thom showed that cobordism groups could be computed by means of homotopy theory, via the Thom complex construction. Cobordism theory became part of the apparatus of extraordinary cohomology theory, alongside K-theory. It performed an important role, historically speaking, in developments in topology in the 1950s and early 1960s, in particular in the Hirzebruch?Riemann?Roch theorem, and in the first proofs of the Atiyah?Singer index theorem.
In the 1980s the category with compact manifolds as objects and cobordisms between these as morphisms played a basic role in the Atiyah?Segal axioms for topological quantum field theory, which is an important part of quantum topology.
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Categorical aspects
Cobordisms are objects of study in their own right, apart from cobordism classes. Cobordisms form a category whose objects are closed manifolds and whose morphisms are cobordisms. Roughly speaking, composition is given by gluing together cobordisms end-to-end: the composition of (W; M, N) and (W′; N, P) is defined by gluing the right end of the first to the left end of the second, yielding (W′ ∪N W; M, P). A cobordism is a kind of cospan:[3] M → W ← N. The category is a dagger compact category.
A topological quantum field theory is a monoidal functor from a category of cobordisms to a category of vector spaces. That is, it is a functor whose value on a disjoint union of manifolds is equivalent to the tensor product of its values on each of the constituent manifolds.
In low dimensions, the bordism question is relatively trivial, but the category of cobordism is not. For instance, the disk bounding the circle corresponds to a null-ary operation, while the cylinder corresponds to a 1-ary operation and the pair of pants to a binary operation.
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p: E → B をファイバーを F とする基点を保つセール・ファイブレーション(英語版)とする、つまり、CW複体に関してホモトピーリフトの性質(英語版)を持つ写像とする。B は弧状連結であるとする。このときホモトピー群の長完全列
... → πn(F) → πn(E) → πn(B) → πn?1(F) →... → π0(E) → 0
が存在する。ここで π0 に関する写像は π0 が群でないから群準同型ではないが、像は核に等しいという意味で完全である。
例: ホップ・ファイブレーション(英語版)。B を S2 とし E を S3 とする。p をホップ・ファイブレーションとする。ファイバーは S1 である。長完全列
? → πn(S1) → πn(S3) → πn(S2) → πn?1(S1) → ?
と、n ? 2 のとき πn(S1) = 0 であることから、n ? 3 のとき πn(S3) = πn(S2) であることが分かる。とくに、π3(S2) = π3(S3) = Z である。
被覆空間の場合には、ファイバーが離散的なとき、次のことが成り立つ。すべての n > 1 に対して、πn(E) は πn(B) に同型であり、すべての n > 0 に対して πn(E) は πn(B) に単射に埋め込まれ、π1(E) の埋め込みに対応する π1(B) の部分群はファイバーの元たちと全単射に対応する剰余集合を持つ。
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152:ンの定理や特異ホモロジーおよびコホモロジーに対する切除定理(英語版)とは異なり、空間をより小さい空間へ分解することによりホモトピー群を計算する単純な方法は知られていない。しかしながら、高次ホモトピー亜群に対するファン・カンペン型の定理に関する1980年代に発展した手法によって、ホモトピー型したがってホモトピー群についての新しい計算ができるようになった。結果については例えば以下にリストされている Ellis と Mikhailov による2008年の論文を参照。 球面のホモトピー群を計算する熱烈な研究にもかかわらず、2次元においてさえ、完全なリストは分かっていない。S2 の4次ホモトピー群の計算でさえ定義から思いつくような技術よりもはるかに進んだものが必要なのである。とくにセールのスペクトル系列(英語版)はまさにこの目的のために構成されたのである。 (引用終り) 以上
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「例: ホップ・ファイブレーション。
B を S2 とし E を S3 とする。
p をホップ・ファイブレーションとする。
ファイバーは S1 である。
… → π_n(S1) → π_n(S3) → π_n(S2) → π_n-1(S1) → …
と、n>=2 のとき π_n(S1) = 0 であることから、
n>=3 のとき π_n(S3) = π_n(S2) であることが分かる。
とくに、π_3(S2) = π_3(S3) = Z である。」
3次元球面のHopf fibrationの作り方
S^3を、底空間S^2 ファイバーS^1 のファイバー空間とすることができる
S^1を、底空間S^1、ファイバーS^0={-1,1} のファイバー空間
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”the Serre spectral sequence, which makes no use of sheaves”
Leray spectral sequence
History and connection to other spectral sequences
Earlier (1948/9) the implications for fiber bundles were extracted in a form formally identical to that of the Serre spectral sequence, which makes no use of sheaves.
”Serre spectral sequence”つまり、スペクトル系列に力点がある
”Serre spectral sequence”という手法が、当時として斬新だった
そして、その斬新さは、21世紀のいまでも、ほとんど失われていないのです。偉大なり、Jean-Pierre Serre!!(^^
(そのことは、”URLリンク(en.wikipedia.org) ”
”URLリンク(en.wikipedia.org) ”
”URLリンク(ja.wikipedia.org) ホモトピー群”を読めば分かる
S2 の4次ホモトピー群の計算でさえ定義から思いつくような技術よりもはるかに進んだものが必要なのである。とくにセールのスペクトル系列(英語版)はまさにこの目的のために構成されたのである。」ということなのです)
20/09/03 22:30:53.33 vYrXB61b.net
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>>128 補足
>Sharpe, Eric (2003). Lectures on D-branes and Sheaves (pages 18?19), arXiv:hep-th/0307245
”2. Boundary-boundary OPE’s, which are believed to be given by Yoneda pairings of Ext groups.”
? Yoneda、Who? あの米田?(^^
”3. T-duality, which is believed to be described by a Fourier-Mukai transformation.”
Lectures on D-branes and Sheaves
Eric Sharpe
Department of Mathematics
1409 W. Green St., MC-382
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
These notes are a writeup of lectures given at the twelfth Oporto meeting on “Geometry,
Topology, and Physics,” and at the Adelaide workshop “Strings and Mathematics 2003,”
primarily geared towards a physics audience. We review current work relating boundary
states in the open string B model on Calabi-Yau manifolds to sheaves. Such relationships
provide us with a mechanism for counting open string states in situations where the physical
spectrum calculation is essentially intractable - after translating to mathematics, such calculations become easy.
We describe several different approaches to these models, and also describe how these models are changed by varying physical circumstances - flat
B field backgrounds, orbifolds, and nonzero Higgs vevs. We also discuss mathematical interpretations
of operator products, and how such mathematical interpretations can be checked physically.
One of the motivations for this work is to understand the precise physical relationship between boundary states in the open string B model and derived categories in mathematics,
and we outline what is currently known of the relationship.
July 2003
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1 Introduction 5
2 Overview of mathematics of sheaves and Ext groups 8
2.1 Complexes and exact sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Sheaf cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Ext groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1 Introduction
Using sheaves as a mathematical tool to model D-branes on large-radius Calabi-Yau manifolds was first suggested many years ago by J. Harvey and G. Moore in [1]. Since then, it
has become popular to assume that such a model is a reasonable one, and furthermore to
assume that sheaves can be used to calculate physical properties such as, for example:
1. Open string spectra between D-branes, which are believed to be counted by Ext groups.
2. Boundary-boundary OPE’s, which are believed to be given by Yoneda pairings of Ext groups.
3. T-duality, which is believed to be described by a Fourier-Mukai transformation.
Another motivation comes from understanding mirror symmetry. Before D-branes
were popularized, Kontsevich [2] proposed an understanding of mirror symmetry involving
mathematical objects known as derived categories (collections of complexes of sheaves, for
the moment). At the time, the physical meaning of this proposal was far from clear.
Using sheaves as a tool to describe D-branes was progress towards
160:understanding the physical meaning of Kontsevich’s proposal, but only a first step. つづく
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Another important physical step was Sen’s work (see e.g. [3]) on brane/antibrane annihilation, which helped suggest
a physical meaning for the objects in derived categories: they should be complexes of alternating branes and antibranes. This proposal first appeared in print in [4], which helped motivate the suggestion by using properties of Fourier-Mukai transforms modelling T-duality
to suggest that such brane/antibrane complexes were required. (See also [5] for earlier work
suggesting a different physical meaning of derived categories, in a very different context.)
2.2 Sheaves
Nowadays most physicists are familiar with bundles, and the important role they have played
in gauge theories. But, what is a sheaf? One motivation for sheaves is as the mathematical
machinery needed to make sense of, for example, a vector bundle living only over a submanifold (a notion with obvious applications to modelling D-branes), and other more abstract
settings where bundles are no longer a sensible concept.
One definition of a sheaf on a space X is as a mechanism for associating a set, or group,
or ring, or module, or even a category, to every open set on X. For simplicity, we will focus
on sheaves of abelian groups, but the definitions extend in a straightforward way to other
cases. Now, let S be such a sheaf. The abelian group S(U) assigned to an open set U is
known as the (set of) sections of the sheaf over U. Now, not any collection of sections over
open sets will do: in order to be a sheaf, a number of properties must be satisfied. First,
for every inclusion V ⊆ U, we need to specify a restriction map
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One of the most basic examples of a sheaf is the sheaf of sections of a vector bundle.
Given a vector bundle on a space, we can associate to any open set U the group of sections of
the bundle over that open set. In fact, technically there are several ways to get a sheaf from
a vector bundle ? we could associate smooth sections, or we could associate holomorphic
sections if the vector bundle has a complex structure, or instead of creating a sheaf of sets,
we could create a sheaf of modules, which is the more usual construction. For the purposes
of these physics lectures, these distinctions will largely be irrelevant. Technically, we will
almost always be interested in sheaves of modules of holomorphic sections, but will speak
loosely of other cases.
Sheaves have a property known as being “locally free” if they come from holomorphic
vector bundles, in the fashion above. For most of these notes, we shall ignore the distinction between locally-free sheaves and holomorphic vector bundles, and will use the terms interchangeably.
2.3 Sheaf cohomology
163:現代数学の系譜 雑談 ◆yH25M02vWFhP
20/09/04 07:37:00 dmgJxCEv.net
>偉大なり、Jean-Pierre Serre!!
P72 加藤文元氏がセール氏のFACについて、書いていたので、調べてみた
下記の”Coherent Algebraic Sheaves (fac 英訳)”中の層の定義が、古風で丁寧です。一見の価値あり(^^
Algebraic geometry
In the 1950s and 1960s, a fruitful collaboration between Serre and the two-years-younger Alexander Grothendieck led to important foundational work, much of it motivated by the Weil conjectures. Two major foundational papers by Serre were Faisceaux Algebrique
164:s Coherents (FAC, 1955),[3] on coherent cohomology, and Geometrie Algebrique et Geometrie Analytique (GAGA, 1956).[4] https://mathoverflow.net/questions/14404/serres-fac-in-english Serre's FAC in English edited May 4 '10 at 8:59 Anweshi 100% http://achinger.impan.pl/fac/fac.pdf Coherent Algebraic Sheaves (fac 英訳) Jean-Pierre Serre Translated by Piotr Achinger and Lukasz Krupa (参考) http://achinger.impan.pl/fac/fac.tar.gz 49 pointing you to a (in my novice opinion) good translation of GAGA here by my former office mate Trevor. Hailong Dao https://web.archive.org/web/20180728222951/http://ms.mcmaster.ca/~arnoldt/Serre-GAGA.dvi 9 There is another translation by Andy McLennan that comes with a lot of background material, the actual translation starts at page 235. I'm not really competent to make any comparisons. http://cupid.economics.uq.edu.au/mclennan/Algebra/fac_trans.pdf リンク切れみたいだが answered Sep 3 '16 at 12:54 https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/FAC nLab
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>>128 補足
>Grothendieck spectral sequence
>In mathematics, in the field of homological algebra, the Grothendieck spectral sequence, introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in his Tohoku paper, is a spectral sequence that computes the derived functors of the composition of two functors G・F, from knowledge of the derived functors of F and G.
Some aspects of homological algebra Alexandre Grothendieck1
1The essential content of Chapters 1, 2, and 4, and part of Chapter 3 was developed in the spring
of 1955 during a seminar in homological algebra at the University of Kansas. Received March 1,1957.
Grothendieck's Tohoku paper
The article "Sur quelques points d'algebre homologique" by Alexander Grothendieck,[1] now often referred to as the Tohoku paper,[2] was published in 1957 in the Tohoku Mathematical Journal. It has revolutionized the subject of homological algebra, a purely algebraic aspect of algebraic topology.[3] It removed the need to distinguish the cases of modules over a ring and sheaves of abelian groups over a topological space.[4]
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Material in the paper dates from Grothendieck's year at the University of Kansas in 1955?6. Research there allowed him to put homological algebra on an axiomatic basis, by introducing the abelian category concept.[5][6]
A textbook treatment of homological algebra, "Cartan?Eilenberg" after the authors Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg, appeared in 1956. Grothendieck's work was largely independent of it. His abelian category concept had at least partially been anticipated by others.[7] David Buchsbaum in his doctoral thesis written under Eilenberg had introduced a notion of "exact category" close to the abelian category concept (needing only direct sums to be identical); and had formulated the idea of "enough injectives".[8] The Tohoku paper contains an argument to prove that a Grothendieck category (a particular type of abelian category, the name coming later) has enough injectives; the author indicated that the proof was of a standard type.[9] In showing by this means that categories of sheaves of abelian groups admitted injective resolutions, Grothendieck went beyond the theory available in Cartan?Eilenberg, to prove the existence of a cohomology theory in generality.[10]
Later developments
After the Gabriel?Popescu theorem of 1964, it was known that every Grothendieck category is a quotient category of a module category.[11]
The Tohoku paper also introduced the Grothendieck spectral sequence associated to the composition of derived functors.[12] In further reconsideration of the foundations of homological algebra, Grothendieck introduced and developed with Jean-Louis Verdier the derived category concept.[13] The initial motivation, as announced by Grothendieck at the 1958 International Congress of Mathematicians, was to formulate results on coherent duality, now going under the name "Grothendieck duality".[14]
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>>142 追加
(物理の話”Higgs vevs”とかは、飛ばしながらね)
Lectures on D-branes and Sheaves 2003
Eric Sharpe
2 Overview of mathematics of sheaves and Ext groups
2.1 Complexes and exact sequences
The language of complexes and exact sequences, standard in algebraic topology, will be used
throughout these lectures. However, many physicists do not know this language, so in this
introductory section we shall review these concepts.
A complex of groups, rings, modules, sheaves, etc is a collection An of groups, rings, etc,
with maps φn : An → An+1 satisfying the important property that φn+1 ◯φn = 0. Complexes
are typically denoted as follows:
An exact sequence is a special kind of complex, namely one in which the image of each
map is the same as the kernel of the next map, not just a subset. This is a stronger statement
than merely φn+1 ◯ φn = 0. For example, for the complex
Aφ-→ B -→ 0
to be exact implies that φ is surjective (onto): the kernel of the right map is all of B, since
the right map sends all of B to zero, yet since the complex is exact, the kernel of each map
equals the image of the previous map, so the image of φ is all of B, hence φ is surjective.
Similarly, for the complex
0 -→ A φ -→ B
to be exact implies that φ is injective (one-to-one): the image of the left map is zero, but
since the complex is exact, the image of each map equals the kernel of the next, so the kernel
of φ is zero, hence φ is injective.
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Short exact sequences are three-element exact sequences of the form
0 -→ A φ1 -→ B φ2 -→ C -→ 0
From the discussion above, we see that φ1 is injective and φ2 is surjective,
and the image of φ1 equals the kernel of φ2.
2.2 Sheaves
Nowadays most physicists are familiar with bundles, and the important role they have played
in gauge theories. But, what is a sheaf? One motivation for sheaves is as the mathematical
machinery needed to make sense of, for example, a vector bundle living only over a submanifold
(a notion with obvious applications to modelling D-branes),
and other more abstract settings where bundles are no longer a sensible concept.
One definition of a sheaf on a space X is as a mechanism for associating a set, or group,
or ring, or module, or even a category, to every open set on X. For simplicity, we will focus
on sheaves of abelian groups, but the definitions extend in a straightforward way to other
cases. Now, let S be such a sheaf. The abelian group S(U) assigned to an open set U is
known as the (set of) sections of the sheaf over U. Now, not any collection of sections over
open sets will do: in order to be a sheaf, a number of properties must be satisfied. First,
for every inclusion V ⊆ U, we need to specify a restriction map ρU,V : S(U) → S(V ), such
that for any triple inclusion W ⊆ V ⊆ U, the restriction from U to W is the same as the
composition of the restrictions from U to V and then from V to W:
ρU,W = ρV,W ◯ ρU,V
and such that the restriction map associated to the identity U ⊆ U is the identity map
S(U) → S(U). We shall usually denote the restriction map with a vertical bar, as |V , in the
usual way. A collection of sets {S(U)} together with restriction maps gives us a presheaf of sets.
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To get a sheaf of sets, we must impose what are called the “gluing” conditions:
1. For any pair of intersecting open sets U, V , and sections σ ∈ S(U), τ ∈ S(V ) such
that σ|U∩V = τU∩V
there exists a section ρ ∈ S(U ∪ V ) such that ρ|U = σ and ρ|V = τ . In other words, sections glue together in the obvious way.
2. If σ ∈ S(U ∪ V ) and σ|U = σ|V = 0 then σ = 0.
One of the most basic examples of a sheaf is the sheaf of sections of a vector bundle.
Given a vector bundle on a space, we can associate to any open set U the group of sections of
the bundle over that open set. In fact, technically there are several ways to get a sheaf from
a vector bundle ? we could associate smooth sections, or we could associate holomorphic
sections if the vector bundle has a complex structure, or instead of creating a sheaf of sets,
we could create a sheaf of modules, which is the more usual construction. For the purposes
of these physics lectures, these distinctions will largely be irrelevant. Technically, we will
almost always be interested in sheaves of modules of holomorphic sections, but will speak
loosely of other cases.
Sheaves have a property known as being “locally free” if they come from holomorphic
vector bundles, in the fashion above. For most of these notes, we shall ignore the distinction between locally-free sheaves and holomorphic vector bundles, and will use the terms interchangeably.
We should also mention some notation that will be used throughout these notes.
A holomorphic line bundle with first Chern
170: class c1 on a given space will typically be denoted O(c1). This notation makes most sense on projective spaces, where the first Chern class is simply an integer, so that O(n) denotes a holomorphic line bundle of first Chern class n. つづく
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Another easy example of a sheaf is the skyscraper sheaf. Let X be a space, and p be a
point on that space. Now, associate sections S(U) to open sets as follows:
・ If U contains p, then S(U) = C.
・ If U does not contain p, then S(U) = {0}.
It is easy to check that this is a sheaf. Moreover, the support of the sheaf S (meaning, the
subset of X over which the sheaf is nonzero) is only the point p.
Skyscraper sheaves are the simplest examples of “vector bundles on submanifolds” alluded to earlier.
Given a continuous map i : Y → X and a sheaf S on Y , we can form a sheaf denoted
i*S on X, defined as follows: i*S(U) ≡ S(i-1(U)).
For example, given a vector bundle E (or rather, the associated sheaf) on a submanifold
S of a manifold X, with inclusion map i : S → X, we can form the sheaf i*E on X. It is easy
to check that i*E only has support on S ? if an open set in X does not intersect S, then there
are no sections associated to that open set. The sheaf i*E is the more precise meaning of the
phrase “vector bundle on a submanifold,” and is an example of what is known technically
as a torsion sheaf. Notice that a skyscraper sheaf can also be put in the form i*E, where
i : p → X and E is the rank one line bundle on the point p, and so skyscraper sheaves are
also examples of torsion sheaves.
In particular, later we shall study the extent to which we can describe a D-brane on a
complex submanifold S with holomorphic vector bundle E by the sheaf i*E, for example by
comparing open string spectra to Ext groups (which will be discussed momentarily).
Another example of a sheaf is the sheaf of maps into Z, that assigns, to every open set
U, the set of continuous maps U → Z. This sheaf comes up in considerations of cohomology,
but is less useful for modelling D-branes.
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There are many more kinds of sheaves, more than we shall be able to discuss here.
Another way to describe sheaves is in terms of modules over coordinate rings ([12, section
5.3], [13, section II.5]), which often gives results not of forms previously discussed.
For example, sheaves on C^2 can be built by specifying C[x, y]-modules. The trivial line bundle on C^2
is described by the C[x, y] module given by C[x, y] itself.
The skyscraper sheaf supported at the origin corresponds to the C[x, y]-module
C[x, y]/(x, y)
where (x, y) denotes the ideal of the ring C[x, y] generated by x and y.
The sheaf corresponding to the trivial line bundle over the subvariety x = 0 is described by the C[x, y]-module
C[x, y]/(x).
A more interesting family of sheaves supported over the origin of C^2
is described by the one-parameter-family of C[x, y]-modules given by
C[x, y]/(x2, y - αx)
for some complex number α. These are not vector bundles over their supports in any sense,
making their physical interpretation somewhat confusing.
We shall see in section 10 that these sheaves model pairs of D0 branes, sitting at the origin of C^2, with nilpotent Higgs vevs.
A word on notation. Sections of a sheaf are often denoted with Γ, i.e. the sections of a
sheaf S over U are sometimes denoted Γ(U, S).
Some basic references on sheaves are [12, section 0.3], [14, section 2], and [15, section II.10].
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2.3 Sheaf cohomology
One can define cohomology groups with coefficients in sheaves, just as one can define cohomology with coefficients in R and Z. Such cohomology groups are called sheaf cohomology.
Sheaf cohomology groups commonly arise in physics when counting vertex operators in string
compactifications. See for example [17] for a discussion of how sheaf cohomology counts spectra in heterotic compactifications, and [18] for a discussion of how sheaf cohomology counts
spectra in
174:the B model topological field theory, for just two examples. Sheaf cohomology will play an important role in understanding open string spectra also, so we shall take a few minutes to review it. In principle sheaf cohomology of degree n is defined as n-cochains, closed with respect to a coboundary operator, modulo exact cochains. Let us describe what that means more precisely, then work through some applications. Then, sheaf cohomology is defined as δ-closed cochains, modulo δ-exact cochains. (Strictly speaking, we should take a direct limit over open covers in order to obtain sheaf cohomology, but for our purposes that technicality will be irrelevant.) The resulting cohomology groups are denoted Hn(X, S), where n is called the degree. To help clarify the meaning of sheaf cohomology, let us take a moment to verify the following claim: line bundles are classified by degree 1 sheaf cohomology. Consider the sheaf C∞(U(1)) of smooth maps into U(1), or, alternatively, the sheaf O* of nowhere-zero holomorphic functions. A degree one element of sheaf cohomology is a collection of either smooth U(1)-valued maps or nowhere-zero holomorphic functions, defined on overlaps of elements of a good open cover. Let such a collection of functions on overlaps be denoted gαβ. Then, the condition of δ-closedness implies that the gαβ close on triple overlaps: gαβgβγgγα = 1. つづく
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For most of this paper, we shall only be interested in sheaf cohomology on complex
manifolds with coefficients in holomorphic sheaves. However, there are some amusing games
one can play with more general sheaves, which we wish to take a moment to describe.
In general, any map of sheaves S → T induces a map between sheaf cohomology groups
Hn(X, S) → Hn(X, T ), and also, a short exact sequence of sheaves
0 -→ S -→ T -→ U -→ 0
induces a long exact sequence of sheaf cohomology groups
・ ・ ・ -→ Hn(X, S) -→ Hn(X, T ) -→ Hn(X, U) -→ Hn+1(X, S) -→ ・ ・ ・
Using this fact we can quickly derive the topological classification of principal U(1) bundles
by first Chern classes, as follows. There is a short exact sequence of sheaves
0 -→ Z -→ C∞(R) -→ C∞(U(1)) -→ 0
which induces a long exact sequence as above.
However, Hn(X, C∞(R)) = 0 for n > 0, so,
for example, we find immediately that
H1(X, C∞(U(1))) ~= H2(X,Z).
As we have already seen, the group on the left classifies principal U(1) bundles,
and their images in H2(X,Z) under the induced map in the long exact sequence are just their first
Chern classes. Another relationship that can be immediately derived from the associated
long exact sequence is that
H2(X, C∞(U(1))) ~= H3(X,Z)
which will play an important role when we discuss B fields.
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Just as ordinary cohomology of a space can be realized by differential forms for special
coeffients (i.e., R coefficients), sheaf cohomology can be realized in terms of differential forms
when the coefficients are locally-free sheaves ? holomorphic vector bundles. In particular, if
E is a holomorphic vector bundle, then Hn
(X, E) is the same as ∂-closed (0, n)-differential
forms valued in the bundle E, modulo ∂-exact differential forms.
Here are some useful facts for calculating sheaf cohomology on complex manifolds, for
coefficients in holomorphic sheaves:
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20/09/05 16:42:23.33 YJxrx+O5.net
>>142 補足
>”2. Boundary-boundary OPE’s, which are believed to be given by Yoneda pairings of Ext groups.”
>? Yoneda、Who? あの米田?(^^
米田信夫 でした by チコちゃん(^^
”Yoneda pairing”とか、”Yoneda product”とか、結構普通みたいだね
Artin?Verdier duality
In mathematics, Artin?Verdier duality is a duality theorem for constructible abelian sheaves over the spectrum of a ring of algebraic numbers, introduced by Michael Artin and Jean-Louis Verdier (1964), that generalizes Tate duality.
It shows that, as far as etale (or flat) cohomology is concerned, the ring of integers in a number field behaves like a 3-dimensional mathematical object.
Let X be the spectrum of the ring of integers in a totally imaginary number field K, and F a constructible etale abelian sheaf on X. Then the Yoneda pairing
H^{r}(X,F)times Ext^{3-r}(F,mathbb {G} _{m}) → H^{3}(X,mathbb {G} _{m})=mathbb {Q} /mathbb {Z}
is a non-degenerate pairing of finite abelian groups, for every integer r.
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上記”Yoneda pairing”にリンクが張ってあって、下記に飛ぶ
Yoneda product
In algebra, the Yoneda product (named after Nobuo Yoneda) is the pairing between Ext groups of modules:
Ext^n (M,N)◯x Ext^{m}(L,M) → Ext^{n+m}(L,N)
induced by
Hom (N,M)◯x Hom (M,L) → Hom (N,L),f◯x g → g ・ f.
Specifically, for an element xi ∈ Ext^n (M,N), thought of as an extension
xi :0 → N → E_{0} → ・・・ → E_{n-1} → M → 0,
and similarly
ρ :0 → M → F_{0} → ・・・ → F_{m-1} → L → 0 ∈ Ext^{m}(L,M)
we form the Yoneda (cup) product
xi smile ρ :0 → N → E_{0} → ・・・ → E_{n-1} → F_{0} → ・・・ → F_{m-1} → L → 0 ∈ Ext^{m+n}(L,N).
Note that the middle map E_{n-1} → F_{0}} E_{n-1} → F_{0}} factors through the given maps to M.
We extend this definition to include m,n=0} m,n=0} using the usual functoriality of the Ext^{*}(_,_) groups.
1 Applications
1.1 Ext Algebras
1.2 Grothendieck duality
1.3 Deformation theory
2 See Also
3 References
4 External links
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20/09/05 16:43:20.77 YJxrx+O5.net
Altman; Kleiman. Grothendieck Duality. p. 5.
Illusie, Luc. "Complexe cotangent; application a la theorie des deformations" (PDF). p. 163.
May, J. Peter. "Notes on Tor and Ext" (PDF).
External links
Universality of Ext functor using Yoneda extensions asked Feb 8 '13 at 2:27 Arkandias
Let C be an abelian category (possibly without enough injective nor projective).
(i) Let A,B∈C. When are the Extn(A,B) (defined using Yoneda extensions) sets ?
183:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/05 16:43:38.09 YJxrx+O5.net
Nobuo Yoneda
米田 信夫(よねだ のぶお、1930年3月28日 - 1996年4月22日)
1961年東京大学で理学博士号を取得した。博士論文の題は「On ext and exact sequences」[1]。
1^ CiNii 博士論文
2^ しかしながら、現在につながる形で最初に用いたのはグロタンディークである。
A.Grothendieck (1958-1960), Technique de descente et theoremes d'existence en geometrie algebriques. II. Le theoreme d'existence en theorie formelle des modules.、
Encyclopedia of Mathematics :
184: Grothendieck functor (抜粋) Comments In the English literature, the Grothendieck functor is commonly called the Yoneda embedding or the Yoneda?Grothendieck embedding. つづく
185:現代数学の系譜 雑談
20/09/05 16:44:33.04 YJxrx+O5.net
The Yoneda pairing, hypercohomology, and cup product asked Mar 11 at 10:41 Svinto
Let F and G be coherent analytic sheaves on Pn. Let F・ be a locally free resolution of F. In Principles of Algebraic Geometry by Griffiths and Harris, Extp(F,G) is defined as the hypercohomology of the complex Hom(F・,G), i.e., the cohomology of the complex ◯+p=k+lCk(U,Hom(Fl,G)), see pages 705 and 446. Here C・(U,Hom(Fl,G)) denotes the ?ech complex with respect to some affine open cover U of Pn.
If I understand correctly, the Yoneda pairing
should then be induced by the cup product in ?ech cohomology. However, I fail to see precisely how this works out.
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Abstract. We carefully develop the theory of Serre duality and dualizing
sheaves. We differ from the approach in [12] in that the use of spectral sequences and the Yoneda pairing are emphasized to put the proofs in a more systematic framework.
2.3. The Yoneda pairing 10
2.3. The Yoneda pairing. The statement of theorem 2.1 refers to the Yoneda
pairing which we describe here, using the language of abelian categories and derived
functors. Recall, an object I in an abelian category C is injective if Hom(?, I) is
exact. The category C has enough injectives if every object is isomorphic to a
subobject of an injective object.
Theorem/Definition 2.12 (Yoneda-Cartier). Let C and D be abelian categories
and suppose C has enough injectives. Let F : C → D be an additive, left-exact
functor. Then for any two objects A, B in C, there exist δ-functorial (i.e., functorial
in A and B and compatible with connecting morphisms) pairings
RpF(A) × ExtqC(A, B) → Rp+qF(B)
for all nonnegative integers p and q.
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(>>108-109 再録)
神脳 河野玄斗 数学勉強法:”理解”がキーワード
→自分の言葉でそしゃくして、 わかりやすく置き換えられれば理解できてる。
「勉強は、 全体像を常に意識して一区切りしたら人に教えるノリで要約してい く。