IUTを読むための用語集資料集スレat MATH
- 暇つぶし2ch598:93 ID:cnqeiEp4 下記の”PROMENADE IN INTER-UNIVERSAL TEICHMULLER THEORY - 復元 Online Seminar - Algebraic & Arithmetic Geometry”は、結構良いと思う(私には読めないが、なんとなくね(^^ ) http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~bcollas/IUT/documents/RIMS-Lille%20-%20Promenade%20in%20Inter-Universal%20Teichm%C3%BCller%20Theory.pdf Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences - Kyoto University, Japan PROMENADE IN INTER-UNIVERSAL TEICHMULLER THEORY - 復元 Online Seminar - Algebraic & Arithmetic Geometry Laboratoire Paul Painleve - Universite de Lille, France Version 1 - ε? - 09/10/2020 http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~bcollas/IUT/IUT-references.html Promenade in Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory Org.: Collas (RIMS); Debes, Fresse (Lille). The Programme of the seminar contains a selection of ~30 references with respect to (1) Diophantine Geometry, (2) IUT Geometry, and (3) Anabelian Geometry. We indicate some links towards the key opuses as well as some complementary notes and proceedings.