Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 (応援スレ) 44at MATH
Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 (応援スレ) 44
- 暇つぶし2ch723:ile, but now there are some papers starting to be released, here: Before now these were circulating privately, or just linked in some tweets of Taylor. Just to clarify, Taylor has said publicly that if he had been a referee for the IUT papers, he would not have recommended publication, from the point of view of exposition and readability. But he and Anton Hilado are engaging seriously with the material at hand, and in particular are treating Corollary 3.12 as basically a conjecture, and figuring out how one can work with it, much like any other conjecture in number theory. EDIT: The papers are now available on the arXiv: Taylor Dupuy, Anton Hilado, The Statement of Mochizuki’s Corollary 3.12, Initial Theta Data, and the First Two Indeterminacies, Taylor Dupuy, Anton Hilado, Probabilistic Szpiro, Baby Szpiro, and Explicit Szpiro from Mochizuki’s Corollary 3.12,