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Anabelian geometry
Anabelian geometry is a theory in number theory, which describes the way in which the algebraic fundamental group G of a certain arithmetic variety V, or some related geometric object, can help to restore V.
The first traditional conjectures, originating from Alexander Grothendieck and introduced in Esquisse d'un Programme were about how topological homomorphisms between two groups of two hyperbolic curves over number fields correspond to maps between the curves.
These Grothendieck conjectures were partially solved by Hiroaki Nakamura and Akio Tamagawa, while complete proofs were given by Shinichi Mochizuki.
Before anabelian geometry proper began with the famous letter to Gerd Faltings and Esquisse d'un Programme, the Neukirch?Uchida theorem hinted at the program from the perspective of Galois groups, which themselves can be shown to be etale fundamental groups.
(1行 DeepL訳)
遠アーベル幾何学がGerd Faltingsへの有名な手紙とEsquisse d'un Programmeで始まる前に、Neukirch-Uchida定理は、それ自体がエタール基底群であることを示すことができるガロア群の観点からプログラムをほのめかしていました。
More recently, Mochizuki introduced and developed a so called mono-anabelian geometry which restores, for a certain class of hyperbolic curves over number fields, the curve from its algebraic fundamental group.
Key results of mono-anabelian geometry were published in Mochizuki's "Topics in Absolute Anabelian Geometry."
1 Formulation of a conjecture of Grothendieck on curves
2 See also