20/04/12 15:22:21.35 hAg37Ryy.net
Consequences in number theory
The main claimed application of IUT is to various conjectures in number theory, among them abc, but also more geometric conjectures such as Szpiro's conjecture on elliptic curves and Vojta's conjecture for curves.
The first step is to translate arithmetic information on these objects[further explanation needed] to the setting of Frobenioid categories. It is claimed that extra structure on this side allows one to deduce statements which translate back into the claimed results.[18]
One issue with Mochizuki's arguments, which he acknowledges, is that it does not seem possible to get intermediate results in his proof of abc using IUT.
In other words, there is no smaller subset of his arguments more easily amenable to an analysis by outside experts, which would yield a new result in Diophantine geometries.[18]
Vesselin Dimitrov extracted from Mochizuki's arguments a proof of a quantitative result on abc, which could in principle give a refutation of the proof.[19]
望月の議論の問題点の一つは、彼も認めているが、 IUTを用いたabcの証明では中間的な結果が得られないように思われることである。言い換えれば、彼の議論の中には、外部の専門家による分析がより容易に可能な、ディオファンティン幾何学の新しい結果をもたらすであろう、より小さなサブセットは存在しない[18]。
Vesselin Dimitrovは望月の議論からabc上の量的結果の証明を抽出したが、これは原理的には証明の反論を与えることができる[19]。