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>>108 追加
Not Even Wrong
Latest on abc
Posted on April 3, 2020 by woit
Taylor Dupuy says:
April 17, 2020 at 12:17 pm
Remarks on IUT3 3.11.i
In the situation of (i) you lift to an richer stronger and more powerful structure that allows you to define (b) and (c) then then you stick them inside the log shell.
What the proposition is saying is that this is well-defined up to ind1,2 ? so everything that was stuck inside these log shells now is considered up to a jumbling of the type described in a previous response.
I will refer readers to my manuscripts with Anton Hilado for these formulas.
これ、多分 下記 1.The Statement of Mochizuki's Corollary 3.12, unstable preprint available on request, (with A. Hilado) だな
(参考 >>36より)
[ Taylor Dupuy's Homepage]
1.The Statement of Mochizuki's Corollary 3.12, unstable preprint available on request, (with A. Hilado)
2.Probabilistic Szpiro, Baby Szpiro, and Explicit Szpiro from Mochizuki's Corollary 3.12, (with A. Hilado)
なお、A. Hilado氏は、”Ph.D. student at the University of Vermont under Taylor Dupuy”で(下記)
おそらくは、上記2つの論文”Mochizuki's Corollary 3.12”は、かれのDR論文ネタだ
とすれば、Cor 3.12 がこけたら、Hilado氏のDR論文はこのままでは通らない
Dupuy先生、”100%のCor 3.12成立の確信”がなければ、これをDR論文のテーマに選ぶはずがなってことを!!(^^;
My name is Anton Hilado. I am a mathematics Ph.D. student at the University of Vermont under Taylor Dupuy.