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Example 3.11.4. Elementary numerical model of “∧ vs. “∨”, multiple
copies, and multiradiality. Alternatively, the ideas exposed in the present §3.11,
(iv), may be summarized/expressed in terms of elementary numerical manipulations,
as follows. First of all, the overall general logical flow of inter-universal Teichm¨uller
theory ? i.e., starting from the definition of the Θ-link, proceeding to the multiradial
representation of the Θ-pilot [cf. [IUTchIII], Theorem 3.11], and finally, culminating
in a final numerical estimate [cf. [IUTchIII], Corollary 3.12] ? may be represented by
means of real numbers A, B ∈ R> 0 and ε, N ∈ R such that 0 ≦ ε < 1 in the following