現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む80at MATH
現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む80
- 暇つぶし2ch197:, one verifies easily that species-isomorphisms between 0-species correspond to isomorphism classes of equivalences of categories in the usual sense. Remark 3.2.1. Note that in the case of Example 3.2, one could also define a notion of “2-species”, “2-specimens”, etc., via the notion of an “isomorphism of functors”, and then take the 1-species under consideration to be the notion of a functor [i.e., not an isomorphism class of functors]. Indeed, more generally, one could define a notion of “n-species” for arbitrary integers n ? 1. Since, however, this approach would only serve to add an unnecessary level of complexity to the theory, we choose here to take the approach of working with “functors considered up to isomorphism”.