【未解決問題】奇数の完全数が存在しないことの証明6at MATH
- 暇つぶし2ch569:"there were no odd >perfect numbers" was incorrect. >This paper has been corrected and it has been submitted to other journals, but the results have not been >obtained yet. >This new paper applies the logic of the paper to find out the non-existence of n multiperfect numbers >albeit partially. >Although it differs from the contents of the paper, the result also shows that there is no odd n >multiperfect numbers if n is 2?Qn?Q104. >Earlier, I was told that I asked a teacher whether this is correct or not before submission. >Since I live in the countryside, it cannot be difficult to do so. >Thank you very much. それに対するリプライ >I am sorry but we don’t consider resubmission. >Best wishes, 数学者は中身もみずに、別証明をrejectしています。 これをどう理解すればいいのでしょうか?