19/10/05 21:35:51.26 JrhjRl4x.net
>>91 補足
”The natural numbers are represented by Zermelo as by Φ, {Φ}, {{Φ}}, …, and the Axiom of Infinity gives us a set of these.
Moreover, it seems that, since both the set of natural numbers and the power set axiom are available, there are enough sets to represent the rationals and the reals, functions on reals etc.
What are missing, though, are the details: how exactly does one represent the right equivalence classes, sequences etc.?”
・by Φ, {Φ}, {{Φ}}, …, and the Axiom of Infinity gives us a set of these
・since both the set of natural numbers and the power set axiom are available, there are enough sets to represent the rationals and the reals, functions on reals etc.
・何が不足なの? What are missing, though, are the details: how exactly does one represent the right equivalence classes, sequences etc.?