19/08/23 17:36:11.91 1bhuzzzJ.net
However, in a recent work, "Solving the hard problem of Bertrand's paradox",[10] Diederik Aerts and Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi consider that a mixed strategy is necessary to tackle Bertrand's paradox.
According to these authors, the problem needs first to be disambiguated by specifying in a very clear way the nature of the entity which is subjected to the randomization, and only once this is done the problem can be considered to be a well-posed one, in the Jaynes sense, so that the principle of maximum ignorance can be used to solve it.
To this end, and since the problem doesn't specify how the chord has to be selected, the principle needs to be applied not at the level of the different possible choices of a chord, but at the much deeper level of the different possible ways of choosing a chord.
This requires the calculation of a meta average over all the possible ways of selecting a chord, which the authors call a universal average. To handle it, they use a discretization method inspired by what is done in the definition of the probability law in the Wiener processes.
The result they obtain is in agreement with the numerical result of Jaynes, although their well-posed problem is different from that of Jaynes.