19/02/26 11:01:09.63 tiHzuvvx.net
>>505 補足
Sergiu Hart氏のPDFの通り ( URLリンク(www.ma.huji.ac.il) )
P2 の最後
“Remark. When the number of boxes is finite Player 1 can guarantee a win
with probability 1 in game1, and with probability 9/10 in game2,
by choosing the xi independently and uniformly on [0, 1] and {0, 1, ・・・, 9}, respectively.”
s1,s2,・・・,sn (有限個の箱)
X1,X2,・・・,Xn (有限個の確率変数)
そして、独立同分布iidで、[0, 1] で確率1、 {0, 1, ・・・, 9}で確率9/10で
Player 1 が勝てると
Player 1が、数を入れる人で、Player 2 が数当てをする人です