19/02/09 08:34:51.72 c3aU14PB.net
>それにしても円分体は面白い。時間があれば Washington の本をじっくり読みたいところだが、
円分体 Washington の本は、下記ですね。間違いなし(^^
(Fermat's Last Theorem関連の一部のみ引用しておきます)
Cyclotomic field
Relation with Fermat's Last Theorem
A natural approach to proving Fermat's Last Theorem is to factor the binomial x^n + y^n, where n is an odd prime, appearing in one side of Fermat's equation
x^n + y^n = z^n
as follows:
x^n + y^n = (x + y)?(x + �