18/12/23 10:23:37.78 aqLWE3+/.net
・”Probability is not defined here”(確率は定義されない)
・”But it is a good example illustrating the difference between arbitrarily large and infinite. ”
”As for the mathematicians, the unfortunate part is that no matter how large they make N, the probability is still 0 that their sequence matches its representative sequence at the N-th place.”
(「arbitrarily large」が可能無限、「infinite」が実無限な )
・”In this context, does it make sense to say "guess the content of a box with arbitrarily high probability"? I think it is ok, because the only probability measure we need is uniform probability on {0,1,…,N?1},
but other people argue it's not ok, because we would need to define a measure on sequences, and moreover axiom of choice messes everything up.”
(英語圏でも、落ちこぼれは”I think it is ok”だけど・・、分っている人は”it's not ok, because we would need to define a measure on sequences, and moreover axiom of choice messes everything up.”)