18/03/01 12:17:03.40 YQzR7z1m.net
>>411 つづき
(Each co-meager set has c points in every interval.)
The last theorem follows from the following stronger and more general result.
Let f:R --> R be such that the sets of points at which f is continuous and discontinuous are each dense in R.
Let E be the set of points at which f is continuous and where at least one of the four Dini derivates of f is infinite.
Then E is co-meager in R (i.e. the complement of a first category set).
This was proved in H. M. Sengupta and B. K. Lahiri, "A note on derivatives of a function",
Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 49 (1957), 189-191 [MR 20 #5257; Zbl 85.04502]. See also my note in item [15] below.