現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む47at MATH
現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む47
- 暇つぶし2ch533:e, Frantz investigates the Hausdorff dimension of the graphs of f^r. THEOREM 1: If r > 2, then the Hausdorff dimension of the non-differentiability set for f^r is 2/r.” 一方、 ”[18] Richard Brian Darst and Gerald D. Taylor, "Differentiating Powers of an Old Friend", American Mathematical Monthly 103 #5 (May 1996), 415-416. [MR1400724; Zbl 861.26002] Define f:R --> R by f(x) = 0 if x is irrational or zero, and f(p/q) = 1/q for p,q relatively prime with q > 0. They note that the set of points at which f is not continuous is the set of nonzero rational numbers. THEOREM: If 1 < r <= 2, then f^r is differentiable only at zero. If r > 2, then f^r is differentiable almost everywhere (Lebesgue measure).” だから、[18] からすると、If r > 2, then f^r is differentiable almost everywhere (Lebesgue measure).→Hausdorff dimension =1 で、"1 - 2/r(>>285)"ではないのでは? つづく