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Proposition 3.1. Let f be a function on R that is positive on the rationals and 0 on
the irrationals. Then there is an uncountable dense set of irrationals on which f is not
Proof. Let (ri ) be an enumeration of the rationals. We recursively define a convergent sequence of rationals.
Proposition 4.2. 略
We finish by remarking on some obvious consequences of the previous propositions.
First, for k <= 2, T(1/n^k ) is nowhere differentiable.
By Roth’s Theorem, if α(an) > 2, T(ai ) is differentiable on the set of algebraic irrational numbers.
T(1/n^9) is differentiable at all the algebraic irrationals, e, π, π^2, ln(2), and ζ(3), and not differentiable on the set of Liouville numbers.
Finally, if α(ai ) = ∞, T(ai ) is differentiable on the set of all non-Liouville numbers.
Since the set of Liouville numbers has measure zero, T(ai ) is differentiable almost everywhere.
ここ、Proposition 3.1. では、リュービル数は証明には使っていない。(”recursively define a convergent sequence of rationals”を使用)
で、あとのProposition 4.2.の後で、Liouville numbersが、出てくるが、記載は上記の通り。