17/11/14 22:00:12.64 agSxZaXK.net
>>159 追加
ところで、おまえ、下記のThomae's functionの「f is not differentiable at all irrational numbers.」証明を読んでないみたいだから、引用しておくよ(^^
Thomae's function
f(x)= 有理数rが既約分数p/qで表されるとき、1/q 無理数で0 (注:>>83同様)
f is not differentiable at all irrational numbers.
All sequences of irrational numbers (ai≠ x0)_(i=1~∞ ) converging to the irrational point x0 imply a constant sequence (f(ai)=0)_(i=1~∞ ),
identical to 0,
and so lim _(i→ ∞ )| (f(ai)-f(x0))/(ai-x0))|=0.
According to Hurwitz's theorem, there also exists a sequence of rational numbers (bi=ki/i)_(i=1~∞ ),
converging to x0, with (ki∈ Z ,i∈ N )) (ki∈ Z ,i∈ N )) coprime and |ki/i-x0|< 1/(√ 5)* i^2).
Thus for all i,: |(f(bi)-f(x0))/ (bi-x0)| > (1/i - 0)/(1/((√ 5)* i^2)))= √ 5* i ≠ 0 and so f is not differentiable at all irrational x0.