16/12/04 10:58:49.36 gDf64zAj.net
>>65 つづき
When the number of boxes is finite Player 1 can guarantee a win with probability 1 in game1,
and with probability 9/10 in game2, by choosing the xi independently and uniformly on [0,1] and {0,1,...,9}, respectively."
TさんSergiu Hart氏を熟読しているみたいだから(^^;
1.When the number of boxes is finite:有限の場合で良いかい?
2.有限の場合に、”Player 1 can guarantee a win with probability 1 in game1”?
3.有限の場合に、”and with probability 9/10 in game2”? 9/10はどこから出るのか?