16/09/11 08:24:27.02 ExO0BbwP.net
1. URLリンク(math.stackexchange.com)
Predicting Real Numbers edited May 15 '13 Jared Mathematics Stack Exchange
2. URLリンク(brainden.com)
100 mathematicians, 100 rooms, and a sequence of real numbers Asked by Jrthedawg, July 22, 2013 New Logic/Math Puzzles - BrainDen.com - Brain Teasers
3. URLリンク(www.ma.huji.ac.il)
PUZZLES ”Choice Games”Sergiu Hart November 4, 2013
4. URLリンク(mathoverflow.net)
Probabilities in a riddle involving axiom of choice - MathOverflow: edited Dec 9 '13 Denis
5. URLリンク(mathoverflow.net)
Can an infinite number of mathematicians guess the number in a box with only one error? - MathOverflow edited Dec 26 '13 user44653
6.>>48 URLリンク(www.nippyo.co.jp)
数学セミナー2015年11月号 日本評論社 箱入り無数目・・・・時枝 正 36
7.アリスとボブ URLリンク(blog.computationalcomplexity.org)
Solution to the Alice-Bob-Box problem. July 18, 2016 Posted by GASARCH Computational Complexity