16/08/27 09:14:02.95 p4uDbuUE.net
>>290 つづき
上記の時枝記事の1-εと同じだが、>>263 のSergiu Hart氏の PUZZLESのページ ”Choice Games”のPDFで game1 で1-εがあって
Fix an integer K.
We will construct K pure strategies of Player 2 such that against every sequence x of Player 1 at least K ?1 of these strategies yield a win for Player 2.
The mixed strategy that puts probability 1/K on each one of these pure strategies thus guarantees a probability of at least 1 ? 1/K of winning.”
同じく、”Theorem 2 For every ε > 0 Player 2 has a mixed strategy in game2 guaranteeing him a win with probability at least 1-ε. ”だ