16/08/27 06:45:46.71 p4uDbuUE.net
>註1 Source unknown. I heard it from Benjy Weiss
Benjy Weissは、これだろう。Benjy Weiss氏は、この話しの論文は書いてないんだろう。下記の(これはキャッシュは読めた)のところの”Selected Publications”のリストには無さそうだし
それに、Benjy Weiss氏が論文を書いていれば、きっとSergiu Hart氏はそれを引用紹介しただろうからね
Prof. Benjamin Weiss Manchester House 3 weiss @ 84388 Ergodic theory Topological dynamics Probability theory
Benjamin Weiss is an Israeli mathematician known for formulating the road coloring conjecture with Roy Adler, for coining the names of sofic groups and sofic subshifts, and for his work with Matthew Foreman and Daniel Rudolph on measure preserving transformations.
Weiss earned his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1965, under the supervision of William Feller.[1] He is a professor emeritus of mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,[2] where Elon Lindenstrauss was one of his students.[1] In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.[3]
weiss - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty Research Interests
BENJAMIN WEISS, MIRIAM AND JULIUS VINIK PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF MATHEMATICS. Status : EMERITUS, Birth place : NEW YORK, N.Y.. Office Phone: 02-658-4388, Fax: E-Mail: weiss@math.huji.ac.il. U.R.L: ...