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>>201 補足
多変数複素函数論の研究におけるベルグマン核(ベルグマンかく)とは、領域 D in Cn 上のすべての二乗可積分正則函数のヒルベルト空間の再生核(英語版)(reproducing kernel)である。ステファン・ベルグマン(英語版)(Stefan Bergman)の名前に因む。
Stefan Bergman (5 May 1895 ? 6 June 1977) was a Polish-born American mathematician whose primary work was in complex analysis. He is best known for the kernel function he discovered while at Berlin University in 1922.
This function is known today as the Bergman kernel. Bergman taught for many years at Stanford University, and served as an advisor to several students.[1]
The Bergman Prize
The Stefan Bergman Prize in mathematics was initiated by Bergman's wife in her will, in memory of her husband's work. The American Mathematical Society supports the prize and selects the committee of judges.[4] The prize is awarded for:[4]
1.the theory of the kernel function and its applications in real and complex analysis; or
2.function-theoretic methods in the theory of partial differential equations of elliptic type with a special attention to Bergman's and related operator methods.
Selected publications
Bergmann, Stefan (1933), "Uber die Kernfunktion eines Bereiches und ihr Verhalten am Rande. I", Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik (in German) 169: 1?42, doi:10.1515/crll.1933.169.1, JFM 60.1025.01.